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(Trigger warning⚠️: this chapter contains some domestic abuse, read at your own risk!)

I wake up the next morning and get changed
(Outfit up above)
Then walk downstairs into the kitchen where I find Mom glaring at me "Are we really gonna have this conversation again?" She asks as I roll my eyes "What's the problem?" I ask "Your shirt, I'm fine with the pants but you better change, NOW" "Says the woman who used walk out of the house with booty shorts" I mumble "Excuse me?!" "You heard me. You're worried about what I'm wearing? Well, maybe you should look in the mirror before you walk out the door from now on" "Jade, I don't know what has gotten into you lately but this needs to stop, you need to stop acting like this, now go upstairs and change" I roll my eyes as my phone rings, I look at it and it's a text from someone I want to forget, I ignore it and go upstairs to change into

 You're worried about what I'm wearing? Well, maybe you should look in the mirror before you walk out the door from now on" "Jade, I don't know what has gotten into you lately but this needs to stop, you need to stop acting like this, now go upsta...

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Then walk back downstairs "I gotta go" I announce "Want me to drive you?" Taylor asks "Yeah whatever" I say as I walk out of the room
Time skip......
Taylor and I are in the car "So What's up with you lately J?" "Well yesterday we had a gig at the Bitter End, Bobby agreed to help me record some songs" I smile "Why are you mad at Stef?" "I'm not mad at her, I'm just- I don't know. I feel like I'm a new me, y'know? It's hard to explain" "I know what you mean J, when I was in high school I felt like that too" I nod as I put on my jacket and Taylor notices something on my wrist "Jade, are you hurting yourself?" He asks me quietly "No" I say "You know I'd never do that" "Then what was it?" "I fell down the stairs ok? At school and I hit my wrist" "Jade, you made that same excuse when you got a hickey, what the hell happened? Did Matt do something to you?" I don't say anything "I swear if he did something-" "He never touched me ok? He didn't do anything, stop going all 'Papa Bear' because we all know you're to soft to do anything about him!" I yell as I then start crying as we get to school and Taylor stops the car and hugs me "Hey, hey J, What's wrong?" "H-he's back" "Who? Who's back?" "Dylan, he texted me yesterday, after the gig, he, he sent something, I, I can't, when I didn't respond he, found me and hit me again, I got away from him fortunately but he keeps on texting me horrible things" I cry "You can't tell anyone Taylor, nobody knows, not even Matt, I can't tell anyone" I tell him "Ok, ok. Can I have your phone for today? Just so you don't have to worry? Please? J, trust me" I nod as I hand him my phone and get out of the car "See ya" I say
Time skip........
Stefani's P.O.V......
"Thanks for meeting me Mom and Dad" I say as we all sit on the couch "You're welcome, if it's anything about our granddaughter we're happy to help" Dad  says as I smile "Jade's been, in a mood, she's been skipping school to go Brooklyn, and God knows where else, the other day she punched a guy in the face and she's got detention twice, and she keeps wearing inappropriate clothes to school. I just don't know what to do with her" I explain as Mom laughs "Well how do you think we felt when you were 15?" "I don't think I ever punched a guy in the face before. I'm just really worried about her, how is she at work?" "She's amazing, her and her friends always do their jobs, they perform at karaoke nights and sometimes after shifts, she always seems really happy" Dad tells me as I nod "Guess musics the only thing keeping her sane" "She has a talent, just like her mother" I smile "and what teenager doesn't wear ripped jeans and crop tops every once in a while?" Dad asks me as I laugh as Taylor comes rushing in "Hey baby, what's up?" I ask "It's-its Jade" "Oh my gosh, did something happen?" He nods "It's bad" I look at J's phone that he gave me
Yo slut why don't you just leave your fucking boyfriend and go ahead and sl*t your wr*sts you fucking wh*re
I start tearing up and I hand the phone to my parents as they gasp "Dylan sent this?" "He's been texting her, that was from this morning, she broke down and told me everything, did you notice she was a scar on her wrist? From him" "That's it. We're going to the cops" I say getting up "She doesn't want anyone to know" "Someone has to know! My 15 year old daughter is getting death threats that are not stopping! Jade can't fix this herself, even if she thinks she can try to! He needs to be in jail, no one hurts my baby girl" I cry to him "Ok, ok we'll go to the police" Taylor agrees "We'll come to" my parents say
Time skip.......
Jade's P.O.V.......
I'm walking into school and see the gang "Hey guys" I say "Hey, What's up?" Nate asks "Just going to Math" I say rolling my eyes and pointing to upstairs "Can we walk you?" Matt asks "The girls have gym and Nate and I have Bio" "Where's Ryan?" "Study Hall" "Sure" I smile
We get to math class "Well see ya" I laugh as I walk into class "Ms Germanotta, you're late" The teacher says "Yeah I know, sorry" I sit down and I hear my name on the PA system "I gotta go" I announce "Homework tonight! Don't forget!" "Yeah whatever" I say as I walk out of class to find him "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask as he smirks "Did you get my text?" I sigh "Yeah, you're wrong, I'm not leaving him. And I'm definitely not doing that" I say as he rolls his eyes "You're a fucking psycho you know that?" I ask as he takes my hand and pulls me into a closet then locks the door "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask "Don't fucking call me a psycho" "What about a swine then?" I smirk as he slaps me and tries to kiss me "Really?" I ask "You know I have a boyfriend" "Then he wouldn't mind if I do this" he tries to take my shirt off "Stop" I say as he keeps going "Your beautiful" "and you're still a jerk" I say as he hits my thigh and pushes me down "Don't fucking me" I say as we hear the door knob rattle "HELP!" I yell "Jade? Jade baby! Are you ok?" "Obviously not" I mumble as Dylan smirks"Looks like Mommy Monsters here to help you. Well she's not coming in until I'm done with you" he smirks as he kisses my neck and I try to push him off "You took my first Kiss you're not taking my virginity too" I tell him "We'll see about that" he says as he kisses me again and I cry "That's it" I hear Taylor mumble "Stand back J!" I hear as I step back pushing Dylan off of me and I see Taylor kick the door down "You called me soft before?" I roll my eyes as I hug him as I see Mom, my Grandparents, the gang, the Haus, Peter and Ed (bodyguards) and the police "Wow you brought a whole damn army" "Well we needed everyone we knew, for moral support" Taylor says as he sees Dylan so does Matt and he walks up to him "You fucking tried to rape my girlfriend?! You're gonna pay" He says as the cops come in and arrest him as Matt kisses me "Are you ok?" Mads asks "yeah...Now, that you're all here" they all smile and hug me as so does everyone else "Jade, I was so fucking worried about you" Mom says crying and hugging me "I'm glad you're alright and that he is finally getting what he deserves" I smile "I'm so glad he got arrested" "I just have one thing to say" Grandpa says "What?" I ask "Never mess with Italians" we all burst out laughing "True, We'll be ready to fight in a heartbeat" Mom jokes as I laugh and we head home
Hope u enjoyed this sad chapter, I cried while writing this, the message especially, I feel like when you write something down though, you're expressing that pain. Well anyway, don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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