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We are walking through the hallways and stop at my locker at the end of the day where we all meet "I said it before and I'll say it again: these are some weird ass lockers, I mean they're not even real lockers they're like cubbies or cabinets or something" Emily says "They filmed 'Gossip Girl' here, the lockers are supposed to look like that" I state as Nate's mouth forms an 'O' shape "Hey maybe I'll start calling you Archibald" I playfully hit him "Then maybe I'll start calling you Little J" he says as I roll my eyes "J is already my nickname dumbass" "Ok whatever" "Can you guys believe final exams are coming up?" Mads asks as Matt groans "Don't remind me" "Freshman year is almost over!" I cheer "I can't wait till summer" "Same babe, so school, no homework, no responsibilities..." Matt drifts off "Don't forget No Savino" Ryan laughs as we all smile "Only 2 more months, we can do this" Emily tells us with motivation "Hell Yeah we can!" Mads yells "Is that your new catchphrase or something?" Matt asks "Maybe, what? Don't act like you don't have one" "I can't act... because I actually don't have one" Matt tells her as she puts her hands up in surrender "Ok ok sorry" "It's fine" "Can we go back to your apartment? I wanna binge watch 'Gossip Girl'" Emily  says "Seriously, Em you have a problem" "No I don't! Just because I was up until 3 am watching all 6 seasons of it in one night doesn't mean I have a problem!" She fights back as I laugh and hug her "Em, Emily. It kinda does" Ryan tells her "Shut up" she says "Ok guys let's go before Savino yells at us for not leaving too soon and disrupting her time 'away from kids for once'" Nate air quotes as I burst out laughing "Yeah ok" we all walk outside and start heading home back to the apartment
Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what u think!

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