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Caroline's POV

I walked over to my car because right now all I wanted was to go home and have some time alone to process everything that happened today, but before I got in the car, I heard a wish and felt someone behind me, making me turn around, already knowing by his scent who it was.

"Klaus..." I said turning around to face him with an annoyed look.

"Hello, love!" He said with a smirk, showing his dimples, while I rolled my eyes.

"If you haven't notice I was about to leave so..." I said to try to give him a hint that I wanted to be alone right now.

"That's why I'm here, love. I think we should talk about our date. How about tomorrow night?" He asked with a smirk.

"Sure. We can go to the movies, where I can have 3 seats between us." I said with a forced smile.

"Came on, Love! I think that I should have a word on our date."

"Fine but only because the school really needs the money." I said and his smirk grew. "Before you get any ideas, you won't get me a dress, there won't be any funny business and I make it perfectly clear this is only happening because of the school."

"See You tomorrow, Caroline

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"See You tomorrow, Caroline." He said with a big smirk while I opened the driver's door, quickly I rolled my eyes with his stupid smirk and drove away.

If he thinks that just because I'm no longer with Tyler and that I have to go on a date with him, will make me fall on his feet, he is deadly wrong. I can't believe I'm actually going on a date with Klaus Mikaelson, the big bad wolf...

Bonnie's POV

I was going home with Elena, because she burn her house down when she turn it off and she lived with the Salvatores, she quickly moved to my place when got her emotions back because of how weird was living with the brothers she once had feelings for.

"I really need my sweet couch to relax and forget about today."

"Look at Who it is... My favorite witch." Kol said, making Elena and I turn around to see Kol and Elijah.

"Kol, I'm in no mood."

"Well, whenever you are, you know where to find me." Kol said with a wink.

"Yeah that will be when Hell freezes over." I quickly said.

"Came on, we never know how will be the day of tomorrow..." Kol said, making me roll my eyes. "I believe you owe me a date."

"Don't even remember me of that." I said.

"You can't say you won't like it to what you never tried. Or at least that's what Elijah says to me about eating just from animals." Kol said.

"Kol, don't you think you're being too much of an inconvenient to Miss Bennett?" Elijah spoke.

Elena was the lucky one, from all the Mikaelsons Elijah is the one who you know it will keep his word.

"Lijah, this is not a talk for old people." Kol said.

"Aren't you a 1000 years old?" Elena asked.

"Yes, but I'm a young soul." Kol said with a proudly smirk

"Yeah, he might be 1000 years but he acts like 10. That's how childish he is." I said and he smirked at me.

"We all need a bit of childish in our lives... Didn't you seen any movies? Childish guy finds himself a responsible woman and they balance each other and have hot sex."

"Don't you mean happy ending?" Elena asked.

"He doesn't really care about that. He just watches until the two main characters get intimate and then he just stops watching it." Elijah said.

"I can't believe I got stuck with you." I said more to myself.

"Believe it, babe!" He said with a smirk. "Now, How about we talk a bit about our date?"

"I just realized, I have to talk with Elijah about this thing that will happen at a place." Elena quickly lied very badly.

"There's what thing happening at what place?" Elijah asked confused and quickly Elena grabbed his hand and took him to be a little far from me and Kol.

"Okay, How about this... I will put some movie on my tv and you will put the movie in yours and we can skype."

"I believe I earn more than that." Kol said.

"Fine. I'll go on a real date with you. But it won't happen anything. We will eat and then it will be the end of it."

"It will end with us having incredible vampire-witch sex."

"It will end at me going home alone."

"At me taking you home and making out with you, making you beg for more."

"You can take me home and that's it."

"A kiss. A real kiss."



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"Fine... a small kiss"

"On the cheek."

"On the lips."

"How about no kiss?"

"Fine on the cheek." Kol said frustrated and I gave him a fake smile, then he left.

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