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Elijah's POV

It's been quiet for awhile and I was now in Kol's room with Kol and Klaus, I was talking with Klaus while Kol was with his ear glued to the door.

"Brother, you are aware that if they make a sound we can hear them thanks to our supernatural hearing, right? There's no need for you to be in that position."

"Well, you two have been babbling and I don't want to miss a thing of what they are saying. What if Bonnie admits that she finds me incredible irresistible? I can't miss that." Kol said.

"She won't ever say that." Klaus said.

"Not with that attitude." Kol said.

"Anyway, who the bloody hell is this John that Caroline seems so fond of?"

"I have no idea, brother. And I believe the name she used was Joseph." I said, then asked. "And are you aware of any Daniel? I never saw Elena with a man named Daniel? How long do you think they know each other? How close are they? Do you think they already went on a date?"

"I thought you didn't had feelings for Elena..." Kol said with a smirk.

"I am mere curious about this man who suddenly appeared. I mean, he could be a vampire hunter. We never should be too careful."

"Yeah, we get that's your motto but that's probably why Elena doesn't see you as a guy she can date with... I mean, I'm sure she prefers dangerous men who can show her how to take risks and have actual fun. That's way I prefer my motto..."

"Which is?" Klaus asked.

"YOLO. You only live once!" Kol said with a smirk.

"If you only lived once you'd be dead right now."

"Thank you, Niklaus. It's what I have been saying."

"Or maybe I just started to live after I turned..." Kol said and winked at us.

"Whatever. Why don't you see what more Caroline has to say about this James?" Klaus asked.

"Is someone jealous?" Kol asked with a smirk.

"At least I wasn't the one freaking out because Bonnie talked about some Nathan guy."

"I wasn't freaking out." Kol argued.

"Let's please not start an argue." I begged them. "It's been too quiet. I'm going to see if they need some help."

I went to the living room and found my sister, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie sleeping.

It made me smile seeing my sister finally spending some time with other people outside our family, specially girls. I know how much it saddens her not being many female friends who she can have girl talks.

After I went to Kol's room to tell them that the girls were sleeping, we all went back to the living room, I grabbed Elena in a bridal style, Kol did the same with Bonnie and Klaus with Caroline.

I took Elena to one of the spare rooms we had and I lay her down then I put some covers above her so she could be comfortable and warm, then I gave her a peck in the forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Elena." I whispered even if she was sleeping and wouldn't be able to hear me.

" I whispered even if she was sleeping and wouldn't be able to hear me

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