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Caroline's POV

I was in the living room of the Mikaelson mansion with Klaus because I wanted to make sure Elena will be safe and sound, the same goes to Bonnie and Stefan who are also here but are or in their rooms or someplace else.

"You are truly remarkable, love. If it wasn't for you, the doppelgänger would be still prisoner."

"Her name is Elena. And I didn't do anything much."

"You didn't let Katherine manipulate you and she's known for manipulating people."

"I just felt something off and act on it."

"Love, why can't you just take a compliment?" He asked, making me roll my eyes. "Look at me. You are remarkable. Every woman wishes to have your beauty and your intelligence. Usually they only get one of those, but you have the two and so much more..."

"Klaus..." I whispered, feeling myself blush over his words.

" I whispered, feeling myself blush over his words

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"It's true, love. Why do you think I fancy you? It's not only for you having a pretty face..." He whispered, putting his hand on my neck with his thumb caressing my cheek.

I let myself close my eyes, feeling his thumb caressing my cheek, letting one of my hands grab his wrist and caressing the hand he was using to caress me. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, I lean in, resting my forehead in his and got on his lap, with my free hand on his neck, with my thumb brushing his beard.

"You have no idea the power you have over me, love." He whispered, looking at my lips, then let his finger feel my lips and look up to me asking. "Will I ever kiss them again?"

"Maybe... One day... who knows?" I whispered with a smile.

"I'll be waiting for that day... However long it takes." He whispered and I kissed the corner of his lips.

"Let's go to bed..." I whispered, getting off his lap and taking him to his room.

Kol's POV

I was with Bonnie in the theater room watching a movie because I know how much Bonnie loves to watch movies.

I suddenly felt Bonnie's forehead resting on the crook of my neck and her holding my hand, which made me smile.

It hurts to be close to her and not be able to kiss her and be with her but I know this is the right thing and she deserves a man who does right by her and gives her time and space when she needs it and respects her choices and decisions.

"You're very sweet, Kol..." she whispered and gave me a peck on my neck, then she started to kiss again my neck, making me groan.

I pulled her to my lap while she kissed my neck and I started to kiss her shoulder with my hands on her hips. She grabbed my neck, making me look at her beautiful brown eyes and then to her kissable lips.

"You're making really hard for me to resist you, darling." I whispered.

"I hope you know that I do like you... I just"

"I know, Bonnie. That's why I'm willingly to wait for you." I said and she smiled and kissed my cheek.

Rebekah's POV

I was in my room with Stefan talking a bit about what happened.

"How did it felt seeing Katherine again?"

"I don't know... I was more concerned in getting Elena back."

"Oh! I thought you were over her." I said.

"Not like that. I was concerned to get Elena back because she's my friend. I no longer see her like that."

"What made you stop?"

"I don't know. I don't know exactly when it happened but along the time I realized I no longer saw Elena like that."

"But what made you see that you no longer were in love with Elena?"

"Probably when I realized I was starting to have feelings for another woman." He whispered.

"What other woman?"

"That's a secret." He said with a smile, making me smile.

"You stay here while I go put something on so we can go to sleep." I said with a smile and left to put some pjs while he smiled and let himself lay down and enjoy the warmth of the bed.

When I got back I quickly got under the covers and before I could find a position, he pulled me closer to him, making me rest my head on his chest with his arms wrapped around me

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When I got back I quickly got under the covers and before I could find a position, he pulled me closer to him, making me rest my head on his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

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