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Klaus's POV

I woke up and Caroline was no longer in the bed, so I quickly took a shower and picked some Henley t-shirt and jeans, then I went to the kitchen, where I found Caroline preparing some coffee.

I smirked at myself with the sight of Caroline's beauty right in the morning. How I wish I could have her walking around my place every morning...

I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her while she drank her coffee.

"What are you doing here? We were so much comfortable in my bed..."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said, quickly leaving my embrace.

"Everyone's asleeep..."


"So we don't have to fake that..."

"I honestly have no idea what went through my head last night that I thought sleeping in the same bed as you would be a good idea."

"Are you really going to try to convince me that you didn't enjoy it?" I asked and she just shrugged while drinking her coffee, making me smirk.

"Are you really going to try to convince me that you didn't enjoy it?" I asked and she just shrugged while drinking her coffee, making me smirk

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"Well, in case you change your mind. I would be more than happy to repeat it." I said with a smirk.

"Maybe in your dreams..."

"Believe me, love. In my dreams we are doing much more than sleeping." I said with a smirk, making her roll her eyes.

"Now, I'm going have nightmares."

"Are you sure they will be nightmares."

"Oh my God!" She started to breath intensely.

"What happened? Love, are you feeling alright?" I asked now concerned.

"I-I can't breath..." she said and then gave me a look and said again with a normal breathing. "There's no room thanks to your giant ego!"

"You know, you could left long ago but you choose to stay and spend some time with me, even if it was just to keep denying that you have any feelings or attraction to me. I believe that says something."

"It does. That being around you makes me lose brain cells." She said and was about to leave but I grabbed her arm, making her turn to see me. "How long is it going to take for you to finally admit how you feel to yourself?"

"I have nothing to admit to myself. Specially nothing about you." She said and left.

I'm not going to give up that fast...

Bonnie's POV

I woke up and saw that I was sleeping on top of someone, when I lift my head to say who was it, I saw it was Kol. Of course... I quickly went to the side of the bed that was empty and pushed Kol out of the bed, making him wake up falling in the ground.

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