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Elena's POV

I woke up in a bed that I don't remember getting on and quickly flashes from last night come to my mind, specially how I was when I gave Elijah a lap dance. I can't believe how I acted around Elijah last night! I was practically throwing myself at him... How am I going to look at him now?

Someone suddenly knock on the door, interrupting my thoughts and so I walked over to the door and open it, revealing Elijah.

"Good morning, Elijah." I said shyly.

"Good morning, Elena." He said. "I hope you slept well."

"Yeah, I did... I didn't even remember how I got here."

"Oh, you fall asleep in the couch, so I took you to one of the guest rooms we have so you could sleep in a comfortable place." Elijah said.

"Oh... thank you. I didn't want to be a bother. Sorry..."

"It wasn't any bother." Elijah said. "I came here to ask you something."

"What is it? It's about last night? I'm sorry the way I acted. I'm usually not like that. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be. I actually would like to know if you would like to go on a date with me."


"A date. I believe when a man is interested in a woman, he asks her on a date and tries to show her he is worthy of having her in his life as more than a friend. Of course, in the end of the date you don't need to feel obligated to be more than my friend. I would appreciate if you would give me a chance to take you out and have dinner with you, along with a nice conversation so we can get to know each other better. Of course, if you don't wish to go on a date with me, I will accept it." Elijah said.

"Are you really asking me on a real date?" I asked still surprised.

"That is correct." Elijah said.

"Oh, well my answer is that I would love to go on a date with you. Just tell me when and where."

"Tonight, at 8

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"Tonight, at 8."

"Where are we going?"

"To a nice place." Elijah said.

Caroline's POV

I woke up with Klaus next to me, I quickly look under the covers to make sure nothing had happen. Although even if nothing happened I was being completely needy and flirty with Klaus last night which made me very embarrassed.

"Good morning, Love." He whispered with a sleep voice and gave me a peck on the shoulder.

"Good morning, Klaus" I whispered, upset at myself for my behavior from last night.

"What's wrong, Love? Didn't you sleep well?"

"I did... I'm just... I'm sorry about last night. I was being all needy and..."

"You have no idea how much it pain me to resist you..." He whispered, quickly I looked at him with a serious look, making his smirk fade away.

"What you said last night was true? Did you only resist me because you wanted us to be sober when we first kissed...?"

"Yes, Love. I'm not saying that it will happen now or tomorrow but one day you might be willingly to kiss me without being drunk and that day I'll be more than glad to kiss you." He said.

"Why go through the wait? Why didn't you just took advantage when I was drunk?"

"Because you don't deserve that. No one should take advantage of you. A woman like you deserves a man willingly to wait for you and able to give you everything you might want, showing you what the world has to offer you." Klaus said, making me feel my eyes watery and I quickly hugged him. "What's wrong, Love? Was it something I said?"

 "What's wrong, Love? Was it something I said?"

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"No one has ever been so sweet and nice to me. I don't know why you are like this to me... all I do is rejecting you... I don't deserve the way you treat me." I cried.

"You do so much more than just rejecting me, you show me how to be a good person, you listen to me, you care about my feelings, you aren't afraid of telling me what I'm doing wrong, you show me the light when I'm falling into darkness... You might reject me but I know you care about me like no one as ever did in a long time. You're worth being treated like a queen by everyone." Klaus said.

"I do care about you... more than I want to admit." I admitted.

"I know... and I care about you too... I never cared about someone like I care about you." Klaus whispered and gave me a peck on the forehead.

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