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Elena's POV

It was kinda late when the movie ended so I made the girls and Stefan agree to spend the night at the Mikaelson mansion.

Caroline had to lie to her mother about staying at the Salvatore's ending a group project with me, Bonnie and Stefan because if she said she would stay at Bonnie's, Liz would call Bon's dad, Bonnie gave the same excuse to her father so now we could be free to do whatever we wanted.

I actually, sneak out with Elijah to his room.

"What are we doing here, Elena?" Elijah asked confused and I quickly kissed him.

"You have no idea how long I waited to kiss you like this..." I whispered, Elijah smiled, grabbing me, making me wrap my legs around his waist and pushed me against the wall while kissing me.

" I whispered, Elijah smiled, grabbing me, making me wrap my legs around his waist and pushed me against the wall while kissing me

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"I guess I need to wear more of this kind of clothing."

"Elijah... I like you with whatever type of clothes you wear... Although I might prefer you in your birthday suit." I said, bitting my lip because I'm not used to this kind of talk but Elijah just makes me get like this.

Bonnie's POV

Kol and I were now at the theatre room because I wanted to talk to him in private.

"Wanting some private time with Kol? You naughty witch. I like it." He said with a smirk.

"No. Can I talk with serious Kol? You know... the one from this morning." I said and he just nodded. "I wanted to thank you for not pushing me into doing something and for respecting me and my decisions."

"Of course. I just want you happy, Bonnie." Kol said, meaning it.

"And about the kiss..."

"I take the blame. Don't worry, darling." Kol said and I smiled to him.

"Thank you for being so understanding." I said while holding his hand.

"Whenever you'll be ready, I'll be here." Kol whispered and gave me a peck on the forehead.

Klaus's POV

Caroline and Rebekah were talking and all I could think was about Caroline and how amazing it is that even after almost getting killed she can be smiling, listening to her friends and talking like nothing had happened. She's such a strong and brave woman...

"If you keep looking at Caroline like that, she might start think you're a creeper." Stefan said, handing me the cup filled with bourbon.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Come on, Klaus! Everyone can see that you are wrapped around Caroline's finger. She's probably the one who still haven't notice that. But if you keep looking at her like that, without blinking and completely drooling she might not come back here so soon."

"Very funny." I said sarcastically and took a sip of the drink.

"Look, Caroline suffered a lot, specially when it comes to guys. It will take her some time to be ready to even think about being with you. I'm not saying it won't happen. I'm just saying it will take time."

"Thank you for the warning but I already knew that."

"So What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to wait. She deserves a man who's willingly to wait for her."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. Care needs a guy who makes her happy." Stefan said.

"Does this mean that you want me and Caroline together?"

"If you make her happy then yes." He said and I smirked then we cheered and drink the bourbon.


Now everyone had drink a bit too much, with the exception of Elijah and Elena who were still locked in his room.

Rebekah was dancing with Stefan, Kol and Bonnie were whispering things to each other and giggling, while Caroline was dancing in the table.

"Klaus! Get in here! Let's dance!" She yelled happy, making me walk over to the table.

"Klaus! Get in here! Let's dance!" She yelled happy, making me walk over to the table

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"I believe you drank a bit too much, love." I said with a smirk and let my hand out so I would help her get down from the table.

She walked over to the corner of the table and instead of taking my hand, she bend down and let her hands on my shoulder, so I grabbed her by her waist to get her down, making us get very close to each other.

"I'm sleepy... I have to go..." She whispered, looking down.

"Of course. I'll take you to your bedroom." I said and so I took her to the room next to mine. "If you need anything, my room is right next to yours."

"Won't you be sleeping with me?" She whispered.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" I asked with a smirk and she nodded, so I lay down next to her, under the covers.

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