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Caroline's POV

I woke up with Klaus looking at me. If it would be months ago I would say it would be very creepy but now I think it's really cute. I don't know exactly when but things between me and Klaus changed...

"Good morning!"

"Good morning, Love!" He said with his British accent.

"How embarrassing was I last night?"

"You weren't embarrassing, Love."

"Yeah, right..." I mumbled and he only smirked at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're beautiful..."

"I'm a mess." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I only see a beautiful woman..." he whispered.

"Thank you for staying and for helping me get in my pjs and specially for helping me out when I was freaking out for not knowing what I wanted from the future..." I said and gave him a peck on the cheek.

He cupped my cheek, with his thumb caressing it, while he looked at me with so much emotion that took my breath away. No one ever looked at me like Klaus does...

I found myself looking at his lips and back at his beautiful blue eyes that were now staring at my lips.

Right now I had two voices, one saying that I should stop this because I will never be able to make him fully happy which will end in him dumping me and get my heart broken and then the other voice just begged me for kiss him.

I quickly shut those voices when I kissed Klaus, the moment our lips touch, all I could focus was on our kiss... There was only me and him... The rest was all a blur...

Klaus was taken aback when I kissed him but quickly he smirked to the kiss and kissed me back, quickly turning the kiss more passionate. He pulled me to get on top of him while we kissed, which made me smile.

"You have no idea how long I waited for this, Love..." he whispered, making me blush.

But then something hit me. What this means? Am I now with Klaus? Are we in a relationship? Is this just a hook up? What does this mean? And do I want to know the answer?

Quickly all those questions were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I got off the bed and opened the door slightly so my mom wouldn't see that Klaus was in my room.

"Hey, mom!"

"Good morning, sweetie! I have to go but I made some pancakes. You should go before they get cold." My mom said.

"Okay. I just need to get dressed."

"Alright. But hurry. I don't want you getting late for school."

"Don't worry." I said and after we said our goodbyes, she left. "I'm sorry Klaus but I'm really late and I have to get ready."

"Of course, Love." He said. "Do you want me to take you?"

"That won't be necessary. But thank you for offer." I said and quickly picked an outfit and went to the bathroom to change and put a bit of makeup on.

Then I went to the kitchen where I saw Klaus, who handed me the plate with pancakes.

"Thanks. Aren't you gonna eat anything? I'm sure I can make you something. Or you can have some cereals."

"I'm okay, Love." He said and so I started to eat while feeling the tension between us.

I know we need to have the conversation but I can't have it without even thinking about it.

"Love..." He whispered, making me look up at him because until that moment I was trying my best to avoid eye contact.

"Are you free for dinner tonight?" He asked. "So we can talk better..."

"It won't be a date." I quickly said.

"What time would be good for you, love?"

"8pm is good." I shrugged.

"It's a date."

"Not a date." I argued.

"Agree to disagree." He said with a smirk and kiss my cheek before leaving.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you've been liking the story... I know I'm always making ANs and all that but right now I need to tell you that lately I've been feeling tired and I've been kinda busy, making me not been able to write much already for a few days... I've been writing ahead, so I'll be able to keep updating daily, but I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep going with it... The story is still not done and I do know what I want to make it happen, I'm just not sure how to write it to that happens... Anyway, I hope you understand and if you have suggestions I'll be more than glad to hear them (being in the comments or in texts)

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