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Klaus's POV

I woke up with Caroline by my side, which never failed to make me smile as soon as I open my eyes. Although this time, my smile didn't stay for long because I started to have flashes of what happened last night and how drunk I was.

I can't believe I let myself get so drunk around Caroline and be so insecure and vulnerable. Last night I was acting like I felt, I'm usually very impulsive but I always try to hide my fears and insecurities but last night, thanks to the bourbon I had too much of, I showed Caroline how vulnerable I am. What if this makes Caroline leave me? I mean, who wants to be with a man who is insecure?

You will never be truly happy. You have too many insecurities, boy. You'll never be anyone and you'll never know what's having the love of another woman. You have no idea how shame I am of you carrying this family's name..., the voice of my father started to sound inside my head along with the memories I had of him making me feel worthless.

"Are you awake?" Caroline's voice made it sound, getting me back to reality.

"Yes." I whispered, still facing her back.

"Last night... we drank way too much..." She whispered, still not turning around to face me and I also couldn't get the courage to make her look at me.

I was not ready to see her look at me with pity...

"We did." I whispered.

"If you want to break up with me... I'll get it." She said, taking me by surprise. "Yeah... Your silence says everything. It's fine. It was good while it last."

"No!" I said, grabbing her arm, not letting her get up from the bed.

"It's fine. You don't need to pretend. I mean, today you woke up and didn't even try to get closer to me... You always do that." Caroline sigh. "It's okay. I understand you not wanting to be with me anymore since last night."

"Love, come here and look at me." I whispered, moving my hand to her belly, and pull her close to me, making her lay down with me again, then she slowly turn around to face me.

"Please, just say it. I can take it." She whispered with a vulnerable look.

"I don't want to end our relationship. I thought you would want to end it."

"What?" She asked confused.

"Last night I was vulnerable and needy and insecure and... I accept you not wanting to be with me, specially after you seen me like that, all vulnerable and weak." I whispered.

"That side of you only surprised me. It didn't change the way I feel about you. I'm not very used to seeing you so vulnerable and it shocked me that you thought you weren't worthy of me. How could you not be? You are so strong and smart and caring of the ones close to you... I'm just a baby vampire who happens to also be an insecure neurotic control-freak." She said.

"You're so much more than that, love." I whispered.

"Does this means that we are still together?" She whispered with a smile, making me smirk as I nodded. "I love you, Nik."

"I love you too."

Elijah's POV

I went to get some blood bags for me and Elena and when I got back to my room, I saw Elena in the bed but someone was using the private bathroom.

"Who's in there?"

"Katherine." Elena said. "It's morning and I didn't want to put up with her so I let her use the bathroom. You don't mind, do you?"

"No. I brought some blood bags." I said and she kissed me after I gave her one of them.

"Gilbert, do you have anything I can borrow?" Katherine said, making us break the kiss and when we looked at her we saw her naked, making Elena quickly get in front of Katherine to not let me see Katherine's naked body, which I found it adorable, but I quickly looked down because I didn't want Elena to think that I wanted to see Katherine naked.

"What are you doing here naked?" Elena asked.

"What?! It's nothing you haven't seen before." Katherine said.

"Just take this and go back to the bathroom. Only come out when you're wearing clothes."

"Such a prude!" Katherine said and I heard her leave to the bathroom.

"You can look up now." Elena said, making me lift my head and look at her.

"Don't listen to Katerina. You're not a prude, but you are also not the too friendly type."

"Then what am I?"

"You're the one who only gets intimate with people who you truly care about. One of the things that makes being with you so special." I said.

"Could you two love birds be anymore gross?" Katherine said while getting out of the bathroom.

"Katerina, let us be." I said and she rolled her eyes and left, making me focus again on Elena. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Kol's POV

I woke up without Bonnie by my side but instead a note.

'Dear Kol,
I'm sorry for leaving without saying a word. I couldn't let myself stay here. I will keep my word and be honest to you about my feelings after graduation, and I am still going with you to prom. I just needed to get some fresh air after our conversation last night. I do care about you. No matter what, don't you forget that.
Bonnie Bennett'

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