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Elena's POV

After school ended, I went to Bonnie's place, which is now where I'm living in and I tried to think of something to make for the date I will have with Elijah. I want to be something good since he saved me from going to an uncomfortable date with Damon.

"I can't believe you're going on a date with Elijah. How do you think he is on dates? I mean he is already so formal, so on first dates it might be more formal... right?" Bonnie wondered out loud.

"I don't know. And I don't think this is a real date. I mean, he only did it because he saw that I didn't want to go on a date with Damon..." I said.

"Maybe. But he also was the one who invited you for the ball the Mikaelsons had last year so..."

"Stop it, Bonnie! I'm already stressed enough. I mean what can I cook that will be nice to a thousand year old vampire who did everything we might think of..." I said a bit frustrated because whatever I would try to do won't seem good enough.

"Don't worry about what you'll cook. I'm sure it will be great. Besides it's gesture that matters."

"Maybe he will see this has lazy." I said.

"Stop worrying. You are cooking, that's not being lazy and you are looking at different recipes to see what you could do, that's not lazy neither. And it's Elijah, I'm sure he'll be fine with whatever you give him and thank you. He is the polite Mikaelson, after all..." Bonnie said and we both giggled at that.


I was finishing making the dinner when I got a call from Elijah.

"Hello, Elijah!"

"Hello, Elena! I just called to make you know that Kol and I are now going to Miss Bennett's place."

"Oh, Okay

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"Oh, Okay. Drive safely." I said and quickly wanted to slap myself because Elijah is a vampire so there's no reason for him to be careful driving.

"I will..." He said.

"Yeah, don't worry. With Elijah we take an hour to get to a place that is 5 minutes away." Kol said.

"That's because you just seem to use one pedal."

"Whats fun in safe driving?" Kol asked.

"People's safety." Elijah said.

"I think I better hung up. You two seem to be in a pretty heated argument at the moment." I said, finding amusing that the Originals also have these kind of bickering like normal families.

"I'm truly sorry that you had to witness this argument I'm having with my brother."

"It's totally fine. Every family fights every once in awhile..." I said with a smile that quickly faded away because I missed having those stupid fights with Jeremy.

"We'll be right there in a few minutes."

"More like in a few years." Kol said upset.

"See you soon." I said and hung up.

"Who was it?" Bonnie asked.

"Elijah. Kol and Elijah are almost here." I said.

"Is everything okay?" Bonnie asked.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Oh, I will want to know how it is a date with Kol."

"It will be probably going to a bar to get me drunk and then trying to get in my pants." Bonnie said, rolling her eyes.

"At least is not with the big bad wolf." I said.

"Yeah... but Care and Klaus have this weird relationship, most of the time she seems to despite him but then there's moments where it seems that she actually cares about him."

"Like you and Damon?" I said with a smirk.

"It's completely different. Damon and I are just friends. Klaus is completely into Caroline and she seems to have some attraction to him but I don't know about more than that."

"And let's not forget it's Caroline. She prefers to keep her feelings to herself when she thinks people might judge her or hurt her." I said and quickly we heard the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" Bonnie said and went to the door.

"Good evening, my beautiful witch." Kol said.

"I'm not yours." Bonnie said and I just knew she was now with an annoyed look.

"For now..."

"I apologize if my brother does something that he shouldn't. I know how inconvenient he can be." Elijah said.

"Yeah... I'll try to survive this date. Elijah, you can come inside. Kol, let's go."

"Don't you invite me inside?" Kol asked with an innocent voice.

"No." Bonnie said and closed the door behind her.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Elijah asked, getting in the kitchen.

"No. Everything's ready." I said with a smile.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. If you have videos, stories or accounts to share, I'm more than happy to help. Feel free to comment on my stories or to pm me, I might take awhile to answer but I always answer 😉 Thank you for all of you being so supportive.
Elejah's date = Chapter 9
Kennett's date = Chapter 10
Klaroline's date = Chapter 11

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