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Elena's POV

I spend all afternoon at Bonnie's with Bonnie, Caroline and Rebekah to help me out in choosing what to wear and how to put my hair. I ended up deciding on letting my hair down and curled and wear a black, strappy in the front, dress.

"You look beautiful!" Bonnie said.

"You're perfect!" Caroline said.

"My brother will love it." Rebekah said.

"Thank you, girls. I'm actually very nervous about tonight."

"Stop worrying. It's clear you two like each other." Rebekah said.

"Thank you for being so supportive about me being with your brother."

"No problem. But if you do hurt him, I kinda have to kick your ass."

"Deal." I said and we both chuckle, then we heard the doorbell ring.

"That must be Mr. Suits!" Caroline said and quickly went to open the door. I know I shouldn't but I listen to their conversation while I got ready to go see Elijah. "Hello there! Elena is just about to appear... but before that happens, I want to make sure you have the best intentions towards Elena."

"Of course, Caroline. I do care deeply about Elena and I promise you I do not intend to cause any harm towards her. She's an incredible woman and all I want is to make her happy... if she lets me." Elijah said and I couldn't help smile and blush to listen to him talking about me.

"Good. Because if you do hurt Elena in any way, I will find where Klaus has those daggers and I dagger you myself!" Caroline said.

"Hey! I think that's enough... we don't want Elijah to just ran away, right?" I said, giving a look to Caroline.

 we don't want Elijah to just ran away, right?" I said, giving a look to Caroline

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"As your best friend I need to make sure that your in safe hands."

"I can take of myself, Care. But thank you." I said because I knew she was only doing all this because she wanted me to be happy.

"No problem." Caroline said then looked at Elijah and said. "I know where you live."

"Alright. There's no need to be concern but I have to admit that I'm glad Elena is surrounded by people like you who care so much about her. She deserves friends like you." Elijah said and Caroline only smiled to him.

"Can we go before Caroline goes all mom mode?" I asked.

"Of course." Elijah said.


We were now in a restaurant with a view to the beach.

"This Place is beautiful. And seems way too expensive. Can we at least slip the bill. I don't feel right with you spending so much money just on a date with me." I said because I didn't accepted to go on a date with me because of the money or the luxurious places he could take me but yes because I like him and I wanted to spend some time with him.

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