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Caroline's POV

Most of the dinner we spend talking about our lives and we even laugh a few times. It was actually very nice, but now we were coming to the end of the dinner and I had to find a way to talk to him about the kiss and whatever it means.

"Love, I was thinking that maybe we could take a walk on the beach."

"Yes... Maybe that would be best." I said and after he payed the dinner without letting me see how much it was, he took me to the beach.

It was a bit windy but was pleasant, I took my heals so I could walk on the sand and had to insist that I could carry them myself.

"Klaus... we have been avoiding talking about what happened. We need to talk about it. We need to talk about what it meant and if it meant something or not." I said, making him stop and look at me.

"I know what it was for me. And I'm sure you know it too... it's not like I have been discreet about what I feel for you." Klaus said and then looked at the sea. "We both know those questions are tormenting you more than me... Since I know my answers to those questions and you aren't sure about yours."

"Then tell me. For you... What was the kiss?"

"That kiss meant something for me, Caroline. It meant a lot. I've had feelings for you for a long time and... I thought I would never had a chance with you. You are perspective, smart, funny, kind, strong, brave, good, full of light... You deserve a man much better than me... You deserve a man who is good and doesn't have issues or anger or is hated by almost everyone he met. You deserve someone who won't put you in danger and I'm aware that I cannot offer you that because of the people who want to hurt me..."


"It's true, love. And I also know that many things I did were unforgivable but you never ran away from me because of it. And I know I don't deserve the caring you have for me... I know I am the big bad wolf who terrifies everyone... So, if you decide to fake the kiss never happened or that we try to go back how things were I will understand and respect that... I just ask you for one thing... Please don't push me away from your life." He said and I slapped him.

"How can you say you don't deserve that I care about you? Who knows who is worthy of my care and concern is me! And I say you deserve it." I snapped at him. "I'm sorry for the slap but it needed to be done." I said and he nodded. "I don't really care about getting in danger, that's not my issue with thinking about being with you. My issue is..."

"You can tell me, love."

"It's how it would be in the future. I mean, do we even have a future? How would this work? How can we know this wouldn't be a huge mistake?" I asked him and before he could say anything I said. "I'm always the one who loves the other person more, I'm always the one who gets dumped, I'm always the one who gets her heart broken... but I'm never The One... You appeared and made me feel special and beautiful and important... But once the chase is over... I don't know what will happen... Probably you'll realize I was just a challenge and then end things..."

"Love, you are so much more than a challenge... You are a Queen, you just haven't noticed that yet... You are meant for extraordinary things... You have no idea how much it pains me knowing you weren't treated like the Queen you are. I can't see how your past lovers made you suffer so much, how they were dumb enough to not see who they had in front of them. I spend a thousand years without a care in the world but then I met you. In my eyes you were always The One." He said and I kissed him passionately.

"Please don't make me regret this." I whispered.

"I wouldn't even think about it." He said and I smiled to him. "So... does this mean you are my girlfriend?"

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