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No One's POV

It's finally prom night! The night the girls, and specially Caroline, were so anxious about.

Elena and Bonnie were nervously waiting for their dates to arrive. Elena was nervous because she knew Elijah doesn't go to these kind of events and also because Alaric would be there and the things between them were still tense. Bonnie was nervous because she was afraid that her giving him so many mixed signals for so long was making him upset and that he would eventually leave her, just like what her own mother did after turning into a vampire.

When someone knocked on the door, Elena quickly went to open it with Bonnie right behind her.

"Wow! You look beautiful!" Elijah whispered to himself, making Elena blush.

"Darling, there are no words to describe how beautiful you look tonight. You will be the most beautiful woman at this prom." Kol said, making Bonnie smile shyly.

"I beg to differ." Elijah said still not able to take his eyes off Elena.

"We better go." Elena said, making Elijah get out of his transe and give her his arm to take her to the car, and Kol quickly did the same to Bonnie.

" Elena said, making Elijah get out of his transe and give her his arm to take her to the car, and Kol quickly did the same to Bonnie

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Caroline was pacing around nervous, with her mother trying to calm her down.

"He will get here. It's still not time."

"I know... I'm just... What if he decides that prom is stupid and that he won't go... Not even for me?" Caroline asked her mother.

"Sweetie, if that happens, which I doubt it will, then he is very dumb and can't see what a catch you are." Liz said and Caroline gave her a forced smile, then someone knock on the door, making Caroline quickly look at the door and Liz go there to open it.

"Good evening, Mrs. Forbes. I got you some flowers." Klaus said.

"For me?" Liz asked surprise.

"Yes. It's the least I can do for giving life to Caroline and raise her to be such an extraordinary woman." Klaus said, making Caroline blush.

"She truly is extraordinary. Don't let her forget that." Liz said. "Come in."

Klaus got inside the house and once looked at Caroline, he was utterly speechless. Her beauty always amazes him but tonight she looked like the Goddess she is.

 Her beauty always amazes him but tonight she looked like the Goddess she is

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