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Caroline's POV

I was at cheerleading practice, making everyone scratch while Elena wouldn't appear, which was odd because she usually isn't late.

"Bekah. Bonnie. Can you come here?" I called her to talk aside with them.

"What's up?" Rebekah said with a smile.

"Did you guys saw Elena?"

"No." They both said.

"It's weird. She usually isn't late." I said.

"Don't worry, maybe Elena had to go to the bathroom." Bonnie said.

"Yeah, or maybe she's sexting with Elijah." Rebekah said and quickly made a disgusted face. "Why did I said that? Ugh! I'm making myself sick."

"Do you think Elijah knows how to sext?" Bonnie asked.

"Maybe he learned after getting together with Elena." I said with a smirk.

"Gross! I don't want to think of my brother and my friend sexting." Rebekah said.

"Elena!" I yelled when I finally saw her coming to the cheerleading group.

"Hi, Caroline!" She said.

"What took you so long?" I asked a bit upset because I liked to do things as were scheduled.

"I'm here now. Calm down!" Elena said.

"Whatever!" I said upset then looked at the group and yelled. "Alright! Let's start!"

And so we quickly started to practice the routine and Elena was missing all the steps.

"Elena, what's going on with you? You should know this with the back of your hand."

"I'm just... tired."

"How about you go seat and try to clear your head, then when you feel ready, you will start do the routine?" I asked with a forced smile because I didn't want to get in a fight now.

"Fine." She said and then she mumbled something but I didn't pay attention to it.


I was now walking to my car, with Rebekah, Bonnie and Elena.

"Hey! Who wants to go shopping?" Elena asked.

"We just shopped a few days ago..." Bonnie said because usually it's me and Bekah who love to always go shopping, not Elena.

"I know... but now I've been looking at my wardrobe and I'm kinda tired of it. I want to change a bit." Elena said.

"Is this for Elijah? Because he likes you the way you are." Bonnie said and Elena rolled her eyes.

"Yeah! My brother is crazy about you. Why do you think he is always ready to go someplace that he usually doesn't go?" Rebekah said.

"I just want to change, Alright?! Are you in or not?" Elena said with an upset tone.

"You don't need to talk with us like that." Bonnie said.

"What's going on with you?" I asked because she seemed odd.

"Yeah... just because you aren't having a good day doesn't mean you get to put all your anger on us." Rebekah said and Elena sigh.

"Sorry. I just am really done with my wardrobe. I want something new." She said.

"Fine. Let's go to the mall." I said with a smile and she smiled to me.


We have been on the mall for a few hours and I've noticed that the outfits Elena has been picking isn't exactly her style, she's going for black leather jackets, black leggings, dark makeup, blue, purple and black tank tops and some black high heels boots.

"Are you sure about these?" I asked.

"Yes. Why?" She asked.

"It's just... I'm not really seeing you wearing this."

"I want to change my wardrobe. I can't really pick things you are used to see me wearing." Elena said.

"We know. But... it's a very sudden change." Bonnie said.

"But don't you like it?" Elena asked.

"We do but..." I tried.

"If you like it, then I don't see the problem." Elena said, then her phone buzzed and she smiled at the screen. "That's Elijah. I'm gonna leave."

"Aren't you gonna pay?" Bonnie asked.

"I already compelled the manager of the store." Elena said and left.

"What the hell? It's just me or Elena seems different?" I asked.

"Maybe she's just trying out a new look."

"Yeah... and maybe this is how she is as a vampire. I mean, you did change a lot since you turned." Bonnie said.

"Maybe you guys are right and I'm making this a big deal."

AN: Hey guys! What did you thought about this chapter? Elena suddenly seems to want to change her wardrobe do you think it's because she is done with her other clothes or do you think it's something else? What's your opinion about it?

AN: Hey guys! What did you thought about this chapter? Elena suddenly seems to want to change her wardrobe do you think it's because she is done with her other clothes or do you think it's something else? What's your opinion about it?

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