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Caroline's POV

I got a text from Stefan asking to try to be nice to Rebekah and since Stefan is my best friend and I only want him to be happy, I decided to go to the Mikaelson mansion and invite Rebekah to go shopping with me so I would get to know a bit more about her and see if she would be good to Stefan or not.

As I got in front on the mansion, I took a deep breath and knock on the door.

"You're a bloody wanker!" I heard Rebekah yelling.

"Hello, Love! Miss me?" Klaus said with a smirk, showing his dimples, making me roll my eyes.

"Sorry to break it to you but I'm not here for you. I'm here to see Rebekah." I said.

"I heard my name!" Rebekah said happy and then saw it was me. "Oh, It's You..."

"Yeah... well, I am going shopping and thought you could go with me, so we can get to know each other a little better... and maybe you could tell me embarrassing stories of Klaus."

"I don't have embarrassing stories, love." Klaus said all smug.

"What about the time your hair..." Rebekah was about to say but quickly Klaus cut her off.

"That's something it will never be spoken again." Klaus said.

"So, Rebekah? Are you coming or not?"

"How do I know this is not another cheap trick? Like the time Elena daggered me?"

"That was Elena. I never did that to you." I said. "To be honest, I'm just here because Stefan seems to care about you and I'm kinda curious to know why..."

"You're direct. I like it!" Rebekah said, making me smile.

"Would you like some company in this day of shopping?"

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"Would you like some company in this day of shopping?"

"That's the first. I always have to drag you to go shopping." Rebekah said.

"Rebekah..." Klaus said in a warning tone.

"Right now I would like to be alone with Rebekah but when we start to get too much bags we call you."

"I'll be waiting." Klaus said with a smirk.

"Klaus, here's a napkin." Kol said, appearing from nowhere.

"Why the bloody hell did you gave me a napkin?" Klaus asked.

"Because you're drooling all over Caroline." Kol said with a smirk.

"Shut off before I dagger you again."

"Brother, please don't dagger our brother." I heard Elijah begging from inside the house.

"This is just another morning at our house." Rebekah commented.

"Seriously?" I asked and she nodded. "Wow! At least you can't ever be bored..." I said and we both laughed.


Rebekah and I have been shopping for awhile, at first was awkward but now we're having a good time, she not only has a great fashion sense but she also is nice and funny, which was unexpected because I used to see her as a bitch... but I guess I can also be kinda a bitch so...

In the middle of us shopping, Elena and Bonnie appeared and at first there was some tension, specially between Elena and Rebekah but then the four of us started to have a good time.

"Okay, Elena what happened at the dinner with my brother? My brother seems different." Rebekah said.

"Elena made dinner to him." I said, making Elena give me a look. "What? You didn't said it was a secret."

"You made him dinner?" Rebekah asked.

"Yeah. He had already spent money with me to save me from having a dinner with Damon so that was my way to thank him." Elena said. "Do you think he didn't like the food?"

"I think he liked the food and more..." Rebekah said, making all of us giggle, except Elena who was now red as a tomato. "But Klaus is the one who had a bigger change. It was probably because he finally got a way to have a date with Caroline."

"Yeah, right... he is probably just happy that he finally can say I went on a date with him."

"Really, Caroline? My brother likes you... a lot." Rebekah said.

"Yeah, right..." I said in disbelief.

"Everyone can see it, Care." Elena said.

"Please. For him I'm probably just some challenge."

"Are you blind? My brother likes you for real. I never saw him following a girl like a puppy like I see him around you." Rebekah said, making me blush.

"Enough about me and Klaus. How about Bonnie and Kol. That must have been an interesting date." I said with a smirk.

"He actually surprised me. He took me to a place in the woods where he had a screen, a projector and a laptop so we could watch a movie in the middle of the nature, having a picnic."

"Aww! He combine your two loves. Nature and Movies."

"Are you sure it was Kol?" Rebekah asked.

"Yeah... why?"

"Because I don't remember my brother Kol ever doing something that for a girl..." Rebekah said, making Bonnie blush.

"That's because our Bon isn't just any girl." Elena said.

"Girls, I just got this crazy amazing idea!" I said. "How about we do a sleepover. All four of us?"

"A sleepover? I never had one."

"Well, It's your day in luck." I said, then looked at Elena and Bonnie who nodded with a smile.

"Where will we make it?" Bonnie asked.

"How about my place? I know my brothers will be there but it's a bigger place." Rebekah said and we all agreed.

What's the worse it can happen...

AN: Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I wanted to make Rebekah start to get along with the girls so I made this chapter of them going shopping.
Next chapter there will be the sleepover where the girls will talk about boys 😉

Before you go I wanted to ask you to go check it out this new story called "Stay with Me" that EpicElejah is making, is a Halloween fairytale focus on Elejah but will also have Klaroline. She's an amazing writer and person and deserves all the votes, comments and reads she gets

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