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Stefan's POV

It was another day of school, this time when I saw Rebekah alone in her locker I went to talk with her and once again we had an incredible talk.

How did I forgot the amazing talks we had back in the 20s? That was probably because I had my emotions off and cared more about having fun than talking about feelings.


After first class, I made Caroline go to the football field with me so we could talk in private and at that time everyone's inside the school.

"What's going on? Did you and April are a thing now?" Caroline asked happy.

"Caroline what I'm about to tell you it's something that I don't want you to tell anyone."

"Are you kidding me? You know I'm awful at keeping secrets!"

"I need to tell someone. I can't talk about it with Damon because he will mock me or maybe just won't care, I can't talk with Elena because we have a past together and I can't talk with Bonnie because we aren't that close." Stefan said.

"Oh, You're making me feel so important. I'm only the 4th person you thought about telling."

"No. You are the first and that was me explaining why." I said.

"Fine. But if anyone asks me and I ended up telling it it's not my fault. You know how I am with secrets." She said.

"I'll take the blame." I said.

"I'll take the blame. Give me the truth. Me and my heart, will make it through..." Caroline started to sing, making me give her a look. "Sorry. What's the so big secret?"

"I think I enjoy spending time with Rebekah..."

"Wait. What? When did that happen?" She asked.

"Last night. She was upset with the date she had with Damon. I took her home and we talked for awhile. You know those conversations you have where you just say what you are feeling without fearing what the other person might say about it or if they will judge you..."

"No." Caroline said, making me looked at her confused because I know she's really close to Bonnie and Elena. "What? I'm always judging myself, it's part of my nature. That's why I can't just talk about whatever I want with people. I know I can trust my friends but... I just can't talk about stuff without thinking that I'll be judge. And by saying this I'm wondering how much you're going to judge me."

"I don't judge you, Care." I said.

"So... you and Rebekah... is that a thing now?"

"No. I'm just her friend."

"That's how it starts..."

"Shouldn't you be more concerned about the date you're going to have tonight with Klaus?"

"Don't even tell me about it... I break up with a hybrid only to get stuck on a date with another hybrid." She said rolling her eyes.

"Aren't you even a bit excited?" I asked her.

"No. I just want to get it over with." She said and then laughed.

"Whats so funny?"

"I said the same thing when I was talking with Bonnie and Elena about losing my virginity." She said. "Anyway, I don't care what's going to happen on this date. It's Klaus we are talking about. He did awful things. I know that we all did awful things but... it's Klaus. I can't be with someone who tried to kill my best friend."

"You talk about others but I still haven't a reason that's just about you not wanting anything with Klaus."

"What do you want me to say, Stefan? Klaus and I, It will never happen. Guys like him just enjoy the chase and once they get what they've been hunting for, they quickly lose interest."

"You do realize that you have Klaus wrapped around your little finger, right?"

"That's not true!" She said. "Klaus just does what he does because he is trying to get me to say yes to be with him for a night or two."

"Deny all you want. We all know it." I said and she rolled her eyes.

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