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No One's POV

It was finally night, Stefan, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie were already at the Mikaelson mansion and Kol convinced everyone to play truth or dare and of course he had the twist that whoever had to make a dare or tell a truth should drink a shot first.

After they all got a bit to drink, they started to feel a bit more loosen up.

"Caroline, truth or dare?" Rebekah asked.


"I dare you to whisper to Klaus something that you have said before to get laid."

"Not like that's needed. Klaus definitely haven't had any luck for 2 years and I'm sure for the last decade he also didn't had any." Kol said, making him Klaus give him a death glare.

Caroline got on Klaus's lap, making him focus all his attention on her and then she whispered him something in his ear so low so only him could hear, making him feel very horny and then she gave him a peck on the cheek and was about to go back to her seat but he didn't let her.

"You really know how to drive a man mad, don't you, Love?" Klaus whispered to Caroline, making her smile.

"Elijah, truth or dare?" Caroline asked.


"Boring!" Kol said.

"Okay. Do you feel attracted to Elena?"

"Caroline!" Elena said in a warning tone.

"What? I'm just asking what everyone wants to know." Caroline said innocently.

"I do find Elena attractive. But it's not just because of her physical appearance. I find very attractive who she is as a person." Elijah said, making Elena blush.

" Elijah said, making Elena blush

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"See. It wasn't that hard." Caroline said with a smile.

"Unlike How Klaus is probably feeling right now, with you in his lap." Kol smirked.

"Niklaus, truth or dare."


"I dare you to... show your latest drawings to someone in this room." Elijah said, trying to help his brother to open up a bit to Caroline.

"I'll just show one." Klaus said.

"Alright, one." Elijah agreed.

"Come with me, love." Klaus whispered to Caroline and took her to his studio.

Caroline quickly found herself lost by being surrounded by so many beautiful paintings that yelled so much emotion.

"This is one of my drawings..." Klaus said and once Caroline took the drawing from him to look better at it, Klaus walked over to the door because he wasn't sure what would be Caroline's reaction to the drawing of her he made with the memory of their date.

"Where are you going?"

"I know they aren't perfect so I will just go back to the living room." Klaus said.

"Are you kidding? It's beautiful... I look so beautiful." She said in amazement.

"You are beautiful." Klaus said, grabbing her jaw to make her look at him. "You're breathtaking."

Caroline felt her heart beating faster by the second but choose to ignore it and simply grabbed Klaus's hand to take him back to the living room.


Bonnie was now dared to kiss Kol so she decided to only give him a peck on the lips, but what she didn't expected was that he would pull her to his lap and kiss her again.

Kol kissed Bonnie in a soft way, trying to enjoy their kiss, Bonnie at first tried to break their kiss but as he kissed her, she enjoyed it more than she thought she would, quickly making her stop rationalizing things and just kiss him, forgetting about the others who were watching them.

"You're an amazing kisser, darling. But that doesn't surprise me." Kol said with a smirk, making Bonnie blush.

"Stefan, truth or dare?"


"If you had to marry one of us, who would you choose?"

"Rebekah..." Stefan said shyly, making Rebekah look at him surprised because she expected him to say Elena.



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"Yes. I mean, you are beautiful and lately I've been enjoying talking with you and spending some time together." Stefan said. "But, I think we better change subjects so... Elena, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to give Elijah a lap dance."

"What?!" Elena asked, caught off guard. She didn't knew how she could actually give Elijah a lap dance, since he had probably been with so many beautiful women and whatever she could try to do, she thought it would come off as weird.

"You choose dare." Rebekah said with a smirk.

"Fine. But I won't be doing in from of everyone." Elena said and took Elijah to the office, seating him on a chair and she put some music on her phone and started to give him the lap dance.

Elijah was trying his best to not kiss her or grab her or look at her in an impolite way, but it was difficult when she was moving her hips and looking sexier than usual.

"I'm sorry. I know it wasn't good. I just... I don't do this often and..." she said, seating on his lap facing him.

"What are you talking about? You were incredible." Elijah said.

"Well, you didn't seem too like it. But I get it, you've seen way more sexier women and..." Elena was saying but Elijah grabbed the side of her neck to make her look at him.

"I was just trying to be a gentleman. Although it was very difficult..." he admitted, making her smile.



"Well, What did you wanted to do?" Elena asked because the alcohol was making her loosen up a bit more.

"I wanted to grab you..." Elijah said and grabbed Elena's hips, pulling her closer to him. "I wanted to kiss you and maybe more than that..."

"That sounds good. Too bad you lost your chance for now." Elena said because she wasn't completely drunk and she knew that if something happened between the two of them, he would apologize and blame it on the alcohol. She couldn't go through that again.

AN: hey guys! Did you like it? Which part was your favorite? Which is your favorite couple? Which couple do you think it will start date first? Feel free to tell me your opinions/thoughts/suggestions

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