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No One's POV

Caroline, Rebekah, Elena and Bonnie were now by the lockers talking, or better yet, Caroline telling them about how she kissed Klaus this morning and freaking out about it while the 3 listen to her venting about it.

"But you accepted going on a date with Klaus... I guess that pretty much says that you want to be with him." Elena said.

"It's not a date. It's just two people going out to dinner so they can talk better about what happened." Caroline said.

"That's a date." Bonnie said.

"It's not." Caroline said and quickly added. "I don't know what I'm going to do or say to him now..."

"I got this crazy idea but it's so crazy that might even work..." Rebekah said.

"What is it?" Caroline asked curious.

"Just tell him how you feel!" Rebekah said because she was tired of seeing her friend and brother so in love and without doing anything about it.

"I can't do that!" Caroline quickly said.

"Why not?" Elena asked.

"Because... Of reasons. There's reasons and they are too complex to explain them now. But they are good reasons." Caroline said because she didn't want to admit that she was afraid of being rejected or have her heart broken short after confess Klaus her feelings.

"Care, Klaus likes you... a lot. Why don't you give him a shot?" Elena asked.

"That's easy for you to say..."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Elena asked.

"It's just... You were always the one dumping and never the one being dumped. Besides... I can't let myself get closer to Klaus..."

"Why not?" Rebekah asked. "Nik might have done terrible things but he would never hurt you."

"You don't know that, Bekah." Caroline said.

"Care, what's really the problem?" Bonnie asked.

"If I get closer and more vulnerable around Klaus... I might end up with my heart broken. I'm done letting guys hurt me."

"My brother would never hurt you, Care. He is crazy about you."

"What about in the future? When he gets to know me better and see that in reality I'm just a little girl filled with insecurities who tries to hide it by judging others and boss them around..." Caroline said and the girls quickly hugged her to comfort her.

"Care, you never know if you won't give it a shot. Just look at me and Elijah... If I didn't had given us a chance I wouldn't be this happy..."

"Yeah... don't you want to make me and Kol sick by being all lovey dovey with my brother?" Rebekah asked.

"It's Klaus. He finds Love a weakness... Why would he change his mind on that? Or better yet, did he change his mind? And how do I know I'm not just a big challenged for him? How do I know if I give him a chance he won't end up things with me after awhile because he is done with me? What if he doesn't like to be with me? Maybe he just liked the chase..."

"Caroline, I've seen my brother with other women. He never looked at anyone like he looks at you... And let's not forget that before you, he only cared about hybrids and now... now he chooses to make you happy and letting his remaining hybrids go instead of finding another way..." Rebekah said. "Nik was always good but he let his demons take the best of him... until you appeared... you brought out the best in him... you and Nik deserve to be together. Besides, if he hurts you I will kick his ass."

"Thank you girls! You are the best!" Caroline said and hugged her friends.

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