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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Tonight, Klaus and I are going out for dinner but, like I made him promise since our last date, I am the one choosing and I wanted to take him out to a place that wasn't a luxurious restaurant so he could see that I don't really care that much about where we have dinner, and also because just thinking of Klaus Mikaelson eating fast food is very amusing to me.

I was dressed with a simple dress, my boots and a denim jacket and I asked Klaus to use something casual so he was now with one of his Henley t-shirts, some jeans and with those necklaces that make me want to just grab them to pull him closer to me.

"You look beautiful, my love." He whispered.

"I'm like every other day." I said rolling my eyes with a smile.

"What can I say? You are always incredibly beautiful." He said and I kissed him.

"Come on! Let's go." I said with a smile and got on the driver's seat as he sat next to me.

"So... where are we going, love?"

"I told you. We are going to have dinner."

"Care to elaborate?"

"Nope. You also love to keep our dates a surprise so I think I'll do the same to you." I said with a smile.


I parked the car and once we got out of the car, Klaus smirked to me and then at a restaurant.

"Incredible choice, Love. This small restaurant has incredible..."

"That's not where we are going to have dinner." I cut him off, making him look at me confused.

"Then... where are we going to have dinner?"

"In there." I said pointing at a McDonald's.

"But... that's no place to have dinner."

"Think of this way. You show me all these nice and fancy places and I show you all these normal places that people usually go."

"Why do you want to have dinner in a place like that when we could have a nice dinner in a nice place?"

"Because you need to realize that the place isn't what matters. I just want to spend time with you. I don't care about the expensive things. They might be nice once in awhile but it's way better when you're just going out to escape routine and spend time with someone you care about." I said and he smirked and kissed me.

"It amazes me how you can admire such simple things that are usual taken for granted. You're truly one of a kind, love." He said and kissed me again.

"Let's go!" I said holding his hand and taking him to McDonald's.

"Let's go!" I said holding his hand and taking him to McDonald's

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Klaus was at first a bit uneasy because he isn't used to fast food and it bothered him how there wasn't that much concern with the tables and decoration but he made an effort to let all those worries go for me.

We were now at a small park, walking while eating a sundae and talking.

"Love, How was..."

"No! We are always talking about me. I also want to know things about you." I said, making him smirk.

"I don't know... Your hopes and dreams. Everything you want in life." I said, mocking his accent, remembering the time he said that to me.

"Mocking me, are we?" Klaus asked with a smirk and I just gave him a small smile. "But to answer your questions, what I dream and hope to achieve is having you with me... traveling the world. You letting me be the one who shows everything the world can offer you, all it's beauty, the food, the art, the music, the culture... everything."

"Is that all you want in life?"

"You know that what I want is to be with you, Love." Klaus whispered, making me blush.

"You have me..."

"Maybe... but what I want is to have all of you. I want to have your love... I want to be your last love." He whispered and I kissed him passionately.

"You know... we are immortal. For you to be my last love, it means you'll have to deal with me for a long time."

"I'd be more than happy to have you by my side for the rest of our immortal lives." He whispered, making me smile and blush.

"You can't say those things. I'm sure you had girlfriends that you also felt that way and then the relationship ended. We are immortals. How can you be sure you will want me in a million years from now?"

"Because I never met someone like you before. You intrigued me since the first day and ever since then, I found myself wanting to know more about you and admire you more and more. I've lived for a thousand years and I spend it believing that love is a vampires greatest weakness and because of that we shouldn't love nor feel but you appeared and made me feel... when I thought there was no humanity left in me." Klaus said.

"I'm sure you felt like this with, at least, one of your ex-girlfriends." I said.

"The way you feel about me... Did you ever felt with another person?" He asked now with no emotion, but I could feel he was upset.

"No... but I didn't had that many exes like you..." I pointed out.

"Contrary to what you might believe, I don't have that many ex-girlfriends."

"Let me guess. You were the kind Of guy who preferes one-night stands." I guessed and he didn't reply, making me roll my eyes.

"What I'm trying to say is that I never really thought in being in a long term relationship after I turned... I also never thought in blood-sharing... But with you, all of that changed." He whispered, making me smile to him and then we kissed.

" He whispered, making me smile to him and then we kissed

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AN: Hey guys! I hope you like this story so far. I know this chapter didn't move the story that much but I never wrote a Klaroline date like this, usually they are always going to fancy places.
I've been watching Legecies and honestly I don't think I'll keep watching much longer... I get JP wants to get a different evil creature every week like with Harry Potter or the show Supernatural but I honestly don't think it's not working all that well. In case you're watching Legecies what do you think? I think this show could be better than it is, if they would focus on only a villain and give us some backstory like they did with Katherine, Marcel, Klaus, Kai and all those villains the TVD universe had.

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