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Klaus's POV

I woke up with my head resting on someone's lap and a hand running through my curls, which felt very relaxing.

"Good morning, Nik!" An angelic voice said, making me smile.

"Good morning, Love." I whispered and lift my head to face her.

"I think we need to talk about what happened yesterday." Caroline said. "Tell me everything that happened."

"I was here, when I got a text from Hayley saying that it was important for me to go to the Grill." I started. "I decided to go because it sounded important and she showed me you and Tyler smiling and leaving the Grill, then she told me how she's suspicious of you and Tyler. I told her that you aren't the kind of person who cheats or betrays but she didn't seem to think that was a good enough argument and that maybe you and Tyler still had feelings for each other. I know you wouldn't cheat but just the thought of you and Tyler getting closer and you ending our relationship to get back to Tyler made me very upset so I went to the Grill so I could drink to forget. She then took me home and tried to seduce me and then... well, you were there to see what happened next." I said and then looked at her in the eyes. "Caroline, I love you. I never had nor wanted to have anything with Hayley. You are the only woman I want. Please, believe me."

"I do. After everything that happened since I met you... I believe you."

"Do you think this was a plan they made to break our relationship?" I asked.

I couldn't really blame Tyler for not being over Caroline. Who could ever do that?

"No. I think they are starting to have less trust in each other and want to hurt each other. Hayley knows how much Tyler hates you and that's why she probably went after you and Tyler... well, we only talked about how he is starting to dislike Hayley being all over him. She doesn't seem to trust him." Caroline said. "And, Nik, even if Tyler wanted to have me back, he wouldn't get me. I love you and no one else."

I smiled at her and kissed her softly.

No other woman as ever made me feel like this before. Caroline truly is one of a kind. I love her so much...

Caroline's POV

After spending as much time as I could with Klaus, I went to high school where Tyler quickly walked over to me to talk.

"Hey, Care! Can we talk?"

"Hey! What about?"

"Hayley and Klaus."

"There's nothing between them." I quickly said.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Weren't you there last night? Hayley was all over Klaus and he didn't seem to enjoy it." I said. "Sorry. I know it must be hard for you to hear that. And I don't really think she has feelings for him. You told me that lately she has been having some issues in trusting you and I think she was hurt and so she wanted to hurt you by hooking up with the guy you hate." I said and sigh. "Look, you and Hayley just need to have a big talk to see what you can do to solve this trust issue. Because if you don't, your relationship won't have much of a future... Trust it's very important in the foundation of a relationship."

"I know... but I can't help sometimes wonder if her doubts have some rational reason. I mean, we were a great couple and..."

"Tyler, our relationship was basically sex. I loved you but, let's be honest, we barely had a real conversation." I said.

"So you never think of what would be like if we were still together?"

"No. Of course I wish it ended in a different way but I don't think we were meant to be together."

"And you think you and Klaus are?" Tyler asked.


"Really? After everything he has done?"

"We all did awful things. But weirdly Klaus and I share some similarities and... he makes me feel important and loved."

"Are you saying I didn't make you feel like that?"

"Tyler... I know you loved me but... I always felt that you cared more about your hatred for Klaus than your love for me. That would end up catching up to us at anytime, I was just ignoring it. Besides you cheat on me, someone to cheat on another person just shows that the relationship wasn't good from the start." I said.

"What if we give this another chance?" Tyler asked.

"What are you talking about? You're with Hayley and I'm with Klaus."

"But we..."

"Tyler, Stop! We can only be friends and if you keep insisting in this, I don't think our friendship will last much longer." I said.

"I'm sorry. I just... It looks so simpler when we were together and maybe if we got back together."

"It wouldn't. That's part of the past. Besides, I'm happy with Klaus. I love him." I said and left him.

"What were you talking with that mutt?" Rebekah asked as soon as got closer to me.


"Caroline, you know I like you but if you..."

"I love Nik. There's nothing going on between me and Tyler. I was just making that clear to him."

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