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Elena's POV

I was making my homework with Bonnie, Rebekah, Caroline and Stefan but quickly my mind drift to wondering what I would do after graduation. I always wanted to go to college but now that I'm a vampire it doesn't make sense... It's like I'd be living a fake life... that I would be living the life I would have as a human instead of living my Vampire life.

"Elena!" Someone yelled, making me get back to reality.

"What?" I asked.

"What's going on with you?" Caroline asked.

"You seem off..." Bonnie commented.

"Please tell me you weren't daydreaming about my brother." Rebekah said, making Stefan laugh.

"I was just think about graduation and all that." I admitted.

"Are you worried about Elijah leaving and you going to college and then you missing all the hot guys in awesome drunk parties?" Caroline asked, making everyone look at her. "What?! Are you expecting in college be just studying? Because the whole reason of college is getting drunk and making wrong decisions about boys."

"Actually It's to have a future." Bonnie said.

"Yeah... that too." Caroline said.

"It's just... I wanted to go to college to be a doctor but I'm now a vampire and I don't know if by doing that I am just trying to get back my human life or something like that. I don't know what I should do after high school."

"I'm actually honking of taking a gap year." Bonnie said. "It's been so stressful since we got to high school and find out about all the Supernatural crap... I need some vacations of all that..."

"Yeah... I get it. The only thing that makes me excited for college is the parties..." Caroline said.

"You guys, we should at least take a year after high school and go someplace else to see what we want to do and while we do that we spend more time together."

"That's a great idea!" Caroline said happy.

Bonnie's POV

It was now after dinner and I was with the girls, Stefan and the Mikaelsons at the Grill to spend some time together outside that mansion they have.

"What are you thinking about, darling?" Kol asked me.

"Just... future stuff... human life... all that..."

"Don't tell me the Bennett witch is thinking in turning into a vampire."

"Nothing like that. I just... I'm thinking on not going to college right away. Take a year break."

"I think that you deserve that break and much more."

"Don't you think I'm being selfish?"

"Of course not. You are always doing the right thing, you are always helping others even when it means you need to sacrifice yourself and your own happiness... You deserve to do something just for you. You have so many people always depending on you... You need to take a break every once in awhile so you won't let yourself get consumed by everyone's needs and stop you from being happy. You deserve to be happy. You need to look in the mirror and see that you deserve to be happy and you deserve to make the choices that make you happy. You need to think about yourself once in awhile. It's only fair..."

"Thank you, Kol." I whispered and kiss his cheek.

Caroline's POV

Klaus noticed that I wasn't completely there, that I was with my head somewhere else so he took me to the park near the Grill so we could talk.

"Love, you know you can talk to me. Did something happen? Is this because of Tyler?"

"What? No!" I quickly said.

"What is it, then?"

"I don't know what I'm going to do after high school ends. I don't know what I should do. I mean, my plan used to be end high school as an honor student and then go to college so I could be a journalist but now... I don't know. That was my dreams when I was a human. Then I just went with it... I don't know what I should do now... Soon will be prom and then will be graduation and... I don't know... You are very old so... do you have any advice for me?" I finally let it out what I was wondering ever since the conversation I had with Stefan and the girls about college and ending of high school.

"Close your eyes, love."

"Why?" I asked.

"Close them." He said.

"If you kiss me I will slap you."

"I'm not going to kiss you... for now." He said making me roll my eyes and then I sigh and closed my eyes. "Alright, Love. Think about you in a decade from now."


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"Okay..." I said with my eyes closed, picturing my life in 10 years.

"You are doing something that makes you happy and you are surrounded by people that you love." He said. "That... is what you truly want for your future. Whatever you pictured was your dream..."

"How can I be sure it will make me really happy? I mean... sometimes we picture things in a way and they turn out all different." I said.

"Maybe... but that specific picture you had is what you want... at least it's what you want now."

"I don't want to go to college." I said and that was the first time I actually said it out loud.

"May I know what did you picture?"

"Traveling the world. Just getting to know all the places in the world, all the hidden magic places they have, the history they hold, the culture they have and the food they offer..." I whispered not telling him everything about my picture of me in 10 years.

" I whispered not telling him everything about my picture of me in 10 years

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"You deserve all of that, love. You deserve to see what the whole world has to offer you." He whispered, making me smile slightly.

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