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AN: Even Ansel knew Klaroline should be endgame

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AN: Even Ansel knew Klaroline should be endgame

No One's POV

It's been a month since the spell was broken, Elena and Elijah have been happier than ever, now that they are finally able to say the L-word and feel like they can take down any obstacle that might appear if they be honest with each other and be by their side. Caroline and Klaus find themselves flirting a lot and Caroline teases him often because she enjoys seeing that she has an effect on Klaus. Kol has been giving Bonnie her space and time but he isn't going to give up on her and lately they've been really close and are often found holding hands. Rebekah is happy being single but part of her desires to be with Stefan and she isn't sure if that desire is because of her feelings or is also because she's not used to be single for this long or at least without being after a guy, but Stefan respects her choice of being single and tries to be her friend, because he never was able to open up like he does when he is just with Rebekah.

Caroline's POV

I woke up with my phone buzzing, I quickly took it from the nightstand and accepted the call without seeing the ID.

"Who the hell is this?" I asked upset because I get in a really bad mood when someone wakes me up... unless is Klaus with his sweet kisses.

"It's me. Rebekah."

"What happened? It's almost 4am..." I said, looking at my alarm.

"I know. I'm sorry to wake you up but Klaus is stuck in his nightmare. I was only able to find out because he let the door slightly open, I tried to wake him up and nothing, I called Elijah and Kol to help but they also can't wake him up."

"I'm on my way." I said and hung up.

I quickly got my keys and drove over to te Mikaelson mansion with my pjs, when I got there I went to Klaus's room and closed the door, so no one could hear me besides Klaus.

"Wake up, Klaus! Please wake up!"

"No! Don't! Let her go! Please! No!" Klaus mumbled in his sleep.

"Klaus, please... wake up. I need you to wake up. I can't stand you seeing like this." I said, feeling my heart break into pieces just for seeing him suffering without me being able to help him. "Please..."

"Caroline?" He said, making me lift my head to see him and I quickly hugged him, getting him off guard but then he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Caroline?" He said, making me lift my head to see him and I quickly hugged him, getting him off guard but then he wrapped his arms around me tightly

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