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Elena's POV

It was Monday morning, I was now by the lockers with Rebekah, Bonnie and Caroline, telling them how my conversation with Alaric didn't went perfectly but how he decided to respect my decision of being friends with the Mikaelsons.

"I'm sure he'll soon see that they aren't that bad. I mean, Bekah was a perfect edition to our group, she loves shopping, she's a good listener, she has nice advices and she knows embarrassing stories about Klaus." Caroline said.

"I also have about Elijah and Kol."

"See? Perfect!" Caroline said.

"And He will eventually see that everyone deserves a second chance. We did that for Damon... So why not do the same with Klaus?" Bonnie said.

"I don't think we should compare Damon with Klaus. They aren't that similar."

"They can be both jerks." Rebekah said.

"Yeah and they did kill plenty of people." Bonnie said.

"Well, I don't think Klaus and Damon should be in the same category." Caroline said and I started to realize what she meant.

"She's right. Damon did awful things." I said and Caroline gave me a small smile.

"How about today we go have some coffee after classes?" Rebekah asked.

"Sure but needs to be fast. Elijah agreed on helping me with History." I said.

"Yeah and I kinda asked Klaus to help with Geometry." Caroline said.

"And I might have agreed to have Kol helping me out on some spells." Bonnie said.

"You? Accepted to have my brother's help?" Rebekah asked in disbelief.

"He knows times of old spells." Bonnie said and we all share a look and then nodded.


After classes, I went with Bekah, Bonnie and Care to the grill to have a coffee and have a small talk, then Caroline went to her place where she was going to met Klaus, Bonnie went to hers to have Kol's help and I went with Rebekah to the Mikaelson mansion to see Elijah and have some help on getting History facts in my head. I thought that maybe listening to someone who actually live those times would be more helpful.


It's been about 3 hours since I got to the Mikaelson mansion and had Elijah helping me out by telling me some stories of his life during a certain year or decade.

"Elena, we should take a break. I'm sure you are starting to get bored of my stories." Elijah said.

"What are you talking about? Your stories aren't boring. They are actually very interesting. It kinda helps me get a picture of how it was life back then." I said.

"Well, my brother Kol seems to think that my stories are very uninteresting." Elijah said.

"It's Kol. Probably he only thinks a story is interesting when it involves women, parties and alcohol."

"That is very true." Elijah said and we smiled to each other. "But I still think we should take a break."

"Sure." I said with a smile. "Thank you for helping me out with this. I'm sure you had better things to do."

"I had nothing else to do

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"I had nothing else to do... and even if I had I could postpone to be able to help you." He said with a smile, making me blush.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"It isn't weird for you to help me out when I look like 2 of your ex-girlfriends?" I asked because I sometimes wondered if he hang out with me because of me or because I reminded him of someone else.

"Elena, just because you look similar to Katerina and Tatia, does not mean that you are exactly like them. I'm helping you because you are someone with a good heart, kind and compassionate... I like being around you, even if it's just to help you in history." Elijah said and I hugged him without even thinking about it, he hugged me back and when we broke the hug, I took a step back and felt how close we were, I rest my forehead in his, with my hands on his neck, enjoying being like this with him.

" Elijah said and I hugged him without even thinking about it, he hugged me back and when we broke the hug, I took a step back and felt how close we were, I rest my forehead in his, with my hands on his neck, enjoying being like this with him

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"I think I'm going to get some blood bags." I said to excuse myself and try to calm myself down.

Being in his arms makes my heart beat like crazy and takes my breath away.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying this story. Before you go, MarissaPalm told me about a story from blindwave that has this story called "Lost in Paradise". They are both good writers and be sure to go check their stories.

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