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Bonnie's POV

Kol and I were in my bedroom, laying down on the bed after he had taken me out of the Grill because I had a bit too much of drinking and I asked him to stay with me.

He was facing my back with his arm wrapped around me, I found myself holding his hand, interlocking our fingers as I pulled him closer to me.

I made his move move from my hips to my belly under my top and it felt really good...

I haven't been like this with a guy for a long time and Kol... Well, Kol has been incredible with me and being around him makes me feel almost like a normal teenager again... I do feel attracted to him and when we are this close it's impossible to deny it... His touch makes me shiver... The worst is that I feel bad if I act on it... But now, I couldn't see or feel if it was right or wrong, I just enjoyed having his hand caressing my belly.

"You're so beautiful, darling!" He whispered and gave me a peck on my cheek and then another peck and a few more.

I couldn't tell him to stop, if I open my mouth I knew that it would only let it a moan, so I kept myself quiet, as I felt him kissing softly my cheek, my jawline, my shoulder and my neck.

"I can't control myself around you, my beautiful witch..." he whispered.

"Hmmm..." I sounded as he kept kissing my neck.

"You like that, darling?" He whispered, making me turn around to face him and kissed my neck again.

"Kol." I tried to say and make myself get back to reality but it felt impossible, drinks with Kol Mikaelson kissing you... it's a combo that lets you speechless.

"Just tell me stop when you want me to stop." He whispered between the kisses.

"I missed this..." I whispered, as I thought about the little moments we had and the times we kissed even if we never were a couple.

"So did I... More than you can imagine." He whispered and looked at me, then he looked at my lips with desire, and again at my eyes, almost like if he was asking for permission and so I kissed him passionately.

"I missed those lips more than I thought." He whispered and kissed me softly and caring.

"You know that when I sober up... I will try to act like this never happened."

"I know. That's why I want to enjoy kissing those lips until you finally give me a chance to show you we can have a future." He whispered and kissed me softly, almost like trying to memorize how it felt kissing me, how it felt when our lips touched...

"I'm not going to have sex with you." I whispered because I wasn't completely drunk.

"Neither would I let you. I want that to happen with you sober." He whispered and kissed me again.

His lips slowly left mine and he got back to kissing my neck and I found myself moaning his name.

"Oh... Kol..." I moaned as he kissed me with a smirk.


I woke up with Kol by my side, I quickly had flashes of us kissing so I look under the covers and felt relief as I noticed we were both fully clothed.

I can't believe I made out with Kol Mikaelson. What was I thinking? And why did it havoc to feel so good?

"Good morning, Darling!" He whispered.

"Did I awake you?" I whispered.

"Nope." He whispered and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Don't worry. We just kissed, not much more than that. Although if you want to repeat what happened. I'm all for it."

"I was drunk." I said.

"That's why I didn't let things get more steamy than they were." He said with a smirk, making me roll my eyes.

"Please... they weren't that steamy..."

"Don't you remember how you moan my name?" He whispered and kissed my shoulder.

"I just... I haven't... It was the drinks..." I said, defending myself.

"Was that the only reason, darling?" He whispered, kissing the crook of my neck, making me bite my lower lip.

"Kol..." I moaned lowly.

"Let me kiss you. Just one kiss..." he whispered almost begging and so I kissed him.

I went for a peck on the lips but he made the kiss last for a little while longer and got on top of me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. When he broke the kiss, I kissed him again, not thinking about anything, just thinking about his lips and his kisses.

"Once you get out of this room, this never happened." I whispered and he nodded and kissed me again.

"You have way too much control over me, darling..." he whispered as he kissed my neck.

"Kol..." I moaned and then I change our positions so I could be on top and kiss him again, quickly feeling something in the way, making me look down to see it.

"I have no control over that, darling." He said. "And I'm very aware sex is out of the table."

I kissed him again and after awhile of making out, someone knock on the door so I made Kol leave.

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