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No One's POV

It's been a month since prom and now was another important day for the girls, it was their Graduation day.

Rebekah was in one of the empty classrooms because she was a bit nervous... She never had done this before and she didn't know if her siblings were going to mock her or what would happen now. Specially if she would still be in contact with Stefan or not.

"Hey, Bekah! I've been looking all over for you." Stefan said, closing the door and walking over to her

"Hey! I guess you finally found me." She said with a smile.

"Are you okay? You seem off..."

"I just... I never went to these kind of things so..."

"It will be fine." Stefan said with a reassuring tone and she gave him a small smile. "I actually have a gift for you."

"A gift?"

"Yes. I found about the existence of these certain items a few days ago. Katherine has been hiding them and she decided to give me... but I think they should go to you." Stefan said.

"What is it?" Rebekah said curious and excited, making Stefan smirk and give her a box.

"Open it. See for yourself." Stefan said and so Rebekah opened the box and couldn't believe at what she was looking at.

"Are these...?"

"Yes. Two doses of the cure for being a vampire."

"Why are you giving me 2 doses?" Rebekah asked a bit confused

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"Why are you giving me 2 doses?" Rebekah asked a bit confused.

"Well, one is for you and the other... it's for whoever you decide to be worthy enough of growing old with you. Maybe you'll use it next year or maybe you'll use it in the next millennium... but I know you always dreamed of being human and being able to have a family of your own and grow old with the one you love..."

"Is this your way of telling me you're over me?" Rebekah asked because this felt that it was all to good to be true or to not have a catch.

"I'm not over you. I still have feelings for you. But I know you don't want to be in a relationship now and... all I want is for you to be happy and I know that with this... with the option of being human, you will be happy." Stefan said.

"That's very sweet of you but... I can't accept this. I mean, I'm sure Elena wants to be human again or maybe Kol... he always loved being a witch and it was very hard on him when he lost his magic... These are the only doses that exist of the cure..."

"Rebekah, please just accept it." Stefan whispered and she sigh and nodded, then look up at him, not exactly knowing what to say after this gift.

"Thank you... for everything. No man ever been this nice and kind to me."

"You deserve to be treated nicely. You don't deserve any of that pain men make you get through. I'm sorry for every time I hurt you in any way." Stefan said and Rebekah gave him a peck on the lips.

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