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Elijah's POV

I was with Elena in the woods because we were again training. She is a newborn vampire and apparently she has been feeling some complications when it comes to control herself, her emotions and her bloodlust but she also wanted to be strong and able to defend herself so I tried to help her out with all of it.

"Elena, just punch me. One punch." I said.

"But I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm an Original. I think I can handle a punch." I said with a smile and so she tried to punch me but I quickly grabbed her hand. "As a devout feminist I refuse to say you hit like a girl."


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"Whatever." Elena said, as I let her hand go.

"Elena, I'm just trying to help you."

"But what if that can't be. What if I can't be helped? Maybe I was not meant to be a vampire and that's why this is being so hard for me." Elena said.

"Elena..." I tried but she avoided eye contact. "Look at me." I asked but she didn't. "Please, Elena..." I whispered, grabbing her chin to make her look at me. "You can't expect being able to do everything right away. It takes time."

"What? Are you gonna day it took time for you? I'm sure once you turned, you were the one who had more control over all this." Elena said.

She was so very mistaken... More than she could imagine... But how could I tell her that I killed Tatia, the person I cared about at the time. I couldn't tell her that... She would fear me and see that all these suits and formalism is just a mask for the monster I truly am.

"It was very hard for me too, Elena. It took me a good time to control my urges... I'm going to be honest with you. It was difficult. Specially in those times when there was no such thing as blood bags and we had to be on the run... I killed people I've grown up with... I still have those deaths in my mind... But it was with them that I realized I had to do my best to not hurt anyone else that I care about." I said. "It takes time to all vampires, some might have more control than others but the beginning is always the worst part... sooner than you might think, you'll be in control of everything and it won't even be that hard."

"Until then are you sure you have patience to help me."

"Of course, Milady."

"I appreciate that so very much, My Lord." She said with her beautiful smile.

Soon we were back to fighting, I was winning, she suddenly fall, grabbing me, making me fall on top of her and we started laugh, then she stopped and so did I, as I forgot what we were doing and only focus on her beauty and her lips who I had the urge of kissing, she lean in and so did I, then she changed our positions and got her hand on my chest.

"Bam! You're dead." She said with a smirk.

"Did you just seduce me to win in a fight?" I asked.

"You said to use the other person's distraction." She said.

"You're very smart... Just please don't do that with others."

"Of course not. But it was fun doing it to you." She giggled.

Rebekah's POV

I was at the Salvatore Boarding House, hanging out with Stefan and talking about how happy I was that Caroline and Nik finally got together when we heard two familiar voices.

"Oh, Hey!" Damon said once got on the kitchen with Katherine in his arms.

"What is she doing here?" Stefan asked.

"I'm visiting Damon." Katherine said. "Why are you like that? Are you feeling jealous because neither I nor Elena picked you?"

"No. I just am done with you and your games. Plus, how do I know this isn't another game that your playing. It wouldn't be the first time you would fake to be in love with one of us."

"I don't care what you think. Now if you excuse us, we just got here to get some blood bags and we are going now back to the bedroom." Katherine said and took some blood bags before leaving.

"You seemed tense when she got here..." I said, making him look at me.

"Well, it's Katherine. We never know what the hell shes planning."

"Are you sure it's just that?" I asked.

"Why do you ask that? What else could it be?"

"I don't know. You two had a relationship... Maybe you aren't completely over her." I said and he took a few steps to get closer to me.

"I'm only concerned with my brother. I don't care about Katherine. I'm done with doppelgängers... specially now that I have found someone much better."

"Stefan..." I whispered.

"I know what you're going to say." He said. "But I know that there will come a day when you'll be ready to be in a relationship again and I'll be there... waiting for you." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"I can't ask you to do that..."

"And you are not. I'm doing it because I want to." He said.

"You're very special to me, Stefan Salvatore

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"You're very special to me, Stefan Salvatore."

"So are you, Rebekah Mikaelson." He whispered.

"Just bang already!" Katherine yelled from the room.

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