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Elena's POV

After I served the plates and make sure we had everything in the table I sat down in front of Elijah.

"I hope you like it. I mean, I know it's nothing much. Specially to you that have tasted probably every single food that there is to taste..."

"I'm sure I will like it. It looks delicious. I appreciate the work you got into making this..." He said.

"Thank you. But if you don't like it, I can always get something to deliver..." I said.

"I don't think that will be necessary." He said and after he took a bite of the food he said. "It's really good. You are a great cook."

"Thank you..." I said with a smile.

"So... How have you been handling being a vampire? I know this is something you didn't wish."

"It wasn't but it happened. It was either me dying or Matt. I couldn't let Matt die..." I said.

"Not everyone would make the same choice as you." He said, now focusing all his attention on me. "Many people would think of their wants and needs before the ones around them. You are a really selfless person. I admire that, specially knowing that you haven't had the most easy life."

"I'm sure you would do the same thing if it happened to you." I said.

"Maybe... I really didn't have a choice about this path." Elijah said.

"I'm sorry... you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Thank you for being so understanding, Elena." Elijah said. "But you still haven't answer my question. How are you handling this change in your life?"

"I'm trying. It's not exactly easy... I mean, I can't really go to Stefan nor Damon because of our past, I also don't feel comfortable talking with Bonnie about this because she's a witch and she doesn't know what is to be a vampire..."

"How about Caroline? She's a vampire and I have this notion of you two being great friends."

"And we are. Caroline and Bonnie are my best friends." I said with a smile. "It's just... I don't think Caroline would understand... she's so good about controlling her bloodlust and about remaining positive and calm... she is like a pro in how to be a good vampire."

"Elena, if you feel like you need any help in going through this changes, you can call me."

"Oh, no, no, no... I don't want to bother you. You don't need to worry about that. I'm sure I'll figure this out." I said.

"You won't be a bother. I'll be more than glad to help you if you need it." He said and I could see he was being completely honest and not just saying it to be nice.

"Thank you, Elijah." I said with a smile.

Elijah is a truly nice man, if I just met him, I wouldn't believe that he is the same guy who rips the hearts of two people at once like if it was nothing.

"And How has been you handling all the changes since your brother... you know..." I said not knowing if I should even talk about it.

"It's not exactly easy. Many things changed while I was in that coffin. Like the computers and phones and specially the language people nowadays use."

"Can you give me an example?"

"Lit. I never understood why using that word to say something is good." Elijah said and I had to do my best to not laugh at him saying lit. "Another thing I don't understand is people using acronyms or not saying the entire word. I don't think saying a word complete will take so much time..."

"Did you ever encounter a situation where you didn't know what some of those were."

"Yes. Specially around Kol. There was this one time he said "I gotta B.R.B" which later I found out it was be right back, which I found odd because it takes the same amount of time to say the words. Another thing I never understood was the YOLO, I mean if your motto is you only live once, why would you spending most time drinking and spending all night out? Shouldn't you be concerned about your health."

"Well, they see it like you only live once so you better make the most of it."

"But there's consequences in acting without thinking. Even if you only live once." Elijah said.

"Elijah, don't take me wrong but you have a problem. You overthink everything."

"Do you even know Niklaus?" Elijah asked, making me laugh.

"I would say it was a family problem but I don't think Kol and Rebekah have that problem." I said.

"They truly don't." Elijah said. "But I guess it's what make them be more outgoing and just follow how they feel."

"What? You never follow your feelings?"

"Rarely. I am more concern about my family's well being. And to make sure we stay united I sometimes have to let go of my feelings for someone else." Elijah said.

"I'm so sorry. That must be hard." I said putting my hand above his without even thinking about it.

"It's not that bad. There's worse things." He said.

"I know we don't know each other that well but if you feel like talking about your family or something else, you can call me or text me. You don't have to carry all the problems in the world on your shoulder."

"I'm glad you didn't let go of your compassion. That's one of the great gifts you have." He said, making me smile and slightly blush.

AN: Hey guys! This is my third book using the Elejah ship and I hope I'm doing a good job

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AN: Hey guys! This is my third book using the Elejah ship and I hope I'm doing a good job. I have to admit that I had a lot of fun writing this chapter because I just love Elijah having troubles with some slang from nowadays. 😂
Anyway, I'll try to update today the two other chapters with the Kennett and Klaroline dates. Well, for me will be today... I don't know the time difference we have from each other. Well, I guess in less than 10 hours I'll try to update the 2 chapters. 😂

If you have a story(ies), video(s) or account(s) you would like to share, you can tell me, I'd be more than happy to help you out. You can pm me or comment for that or also in case you have ideas/thoughts/opinions about my story.

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