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No One's POV

It was afternoon and after spending some time with Klaus, Caroline felt the need to make a small reunion with the people of the group to see what ideas would pop up, so she decided to met everyone in the Grill, finding out that Tyler was now part of the committee. They all spent half an hour talking but decided to think about themes another time and start to think about decorations and a list of people who would volunteer to watch the kids because that was mandatory.

After the reunion ended, Tyler insisted in taking a walk with Caroline.

"I'm sorry but what made you decide to get in this committee? No offense but you just never seemed to like these things and you used to mock me for wanting to have more responsibilities than I needed."

"Well, I thought that maybe I needed to get some of those responsibilities."

"Seriously?" Caroline asked suspicious.

"Fine. To be completely honest, the reason I sign in is because Hayley has been very protective and jealous and she's always questioning me, like if she wants to know everything I do. It's like she doesn't trust me."

"Oh!" Caroline said but stop herself from saying anything else because it would sound judgmental and also would look like she was still holding grudges and that she was jealous.


"I'm just taking things silently."

"I've known you my whole life. You don't take anything silently." Tyler said.

"Fine. I'm just not that surprised. Look how you two started. You cheated on me with her. Now she might wonder if you will do the same with her."

"I'm really sorry for what I did to you, Care. I should have handled things differently..." Tyler said.

"It's in the past." Caroline simply said.

"You didn't deserve what I did to you." He said, caressing my cheek, but I quickly took a step back. "Sorry. I didn't meant to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Tyler, I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend. Those gestures simply can't happen."

"I know... I guess all this Hayley thing is making me realize the mistake I made by cheating on you... and I've been missing you and just talking with you." He said and she simply gave him a small smile without knowing what to say or do. "And maybe it's also because I've been feeling lonely. I'm with Hayley but it's like we are growing apart."

"I didn't want to say anything but one day I found her flirting with Klaus."

"What happened next?" Tyler asked.

"Klaus didn't flirt back, he made perfectly clear that he was happy with me." Caroline said and Tyler nodded.


Hayley texted Klaus to met her at the park near the Grill so she would show him Caroline and Tyler leaving the Grill laughing and talking.

Hayley texted Klaus to met her at the park near the Grill so she would show him Caroline and Tyler leaving the Grill laughing and talking

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"I told you. There's something going on between them." Hayley said.

"It can't be. Caroline doesn't cheat."

"There's a first time for everything."

"I need a drink." Klaus said angry and went to the bar drinking as Hayley followed him.

After awhile Klaus was drunk and Hayley was faking to be drunk.

"There must be a explanation, right?"

"I would never do that to you." Hayley whispered and gave a peck on Klaus's shoulder, letting a trail of kisses to his neck.

"I'm going home." Klaus said.

"I'll take you." Hayley said and took Klaus to his place, and made sure to go to his bedroom while texting Tyler.

This was all part of their plan. All to ruin Klaus's happiness.

"Let me help you take that." Hayley said and took his shirt.

"I love Caroline so much..." Klaus said drunk.

"Let me make you forget about Caroline." Hayley whispered and started to kiss Klaus's neck, as Tyler and Caroline walk into the room without making a sound. "Let me take your mind out of her... She will seem like nothing after this..."

Klaus quickly pushed Hayley against the wall, grabbing her by her throat.

"Don't you dare talk about Caroline in that way. She's a queen! She's perfect. You're nothing next to her." Klaus growled.

"Nik, just leave her! She and Tyler have a lot to talk about

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"Nik, just leave her! She and Tyler have a lot to talk about." Caroline said, holding Klaus's wrist, making him drop Hayley.

"I saw you with Tyler today. What were you two doing at the Grill?"

"We were talking about prom and then we took a walk to catch up."

"And by that you mean remembering the good old days when you were with him, am I right?" Klaus said angry and drunk.

"No. It means we talked about how things were going on with us since we broke up. Nik, you know you're the one I'm with. I don't want anyone else. You're the only one." Caroline said and Klaus kissed her.

"Don't leave me..." He whispered to her lips after they broke the kiss.


Tyler and Hayley were now at his mansion talking about how their plan was a disaster and how they had to figure out a new plan.

"Why can't you just focus on something besides Klaus? If I didn't knew any better, I would think what you really want is to have Caroline back." Hayley said.

"You know you're the one I want to be with. I just can't stand seeing Klaus happy. After everything he did..." Tyler said.

"Don't worry, babe... We will find a way." Hayley said and kissed Tyler passionately. "Wait. How about I bite Caroline and kidnap her to let her die, then once she's dead we give the body to Klaus."

"We can't do that."

"Why? Do you still have feelings for her?"

"No! It's just it will hurt him much more knowing he can't have her because she doesn't want him." Tyler said. "You know I only have feelings for you."

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