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Rebekah's POV

I went on a date with Damon and was awful. He just took me to the Grill where was Elena with Caroline and Bonnie, we had dinner and I tried to talk but he spend almost all night looking at Elena and trying to see if she would get jealous, then he took me to his place and tried to have sex with me.

Who does he think I am? Some kind of sex toy?

I slammed Damon's door and when I was walking downstairs, I saw Stefan getting in the boarding house.

Apparently his date with April Young ended.

"Rebekah, are you okay?" He asked when saw me with an upset face.

"Oh, I'm fine. It's just your brother who is a selfish wanker!" I yelled so Damon would hear it.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No, thank you. I don't want to stay in here one more second." I said and got out of the house.

I know Stefan has nothing to do with it but I was really upset with Damon and I couldn't stand being a second more in the place where he was.

"Hey! Rebekah! Wait..." Stefan said and speed to be in front of me, getting in my way.

"Stefan, you don't have to worry. I'm not going to kill your brother. I just think I'm done of wasting my night and special this shoes." I said and Stefan laughed. "Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Is not funny. I'm sorry, Rebekah." Stefan said with a smile to not laugh.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna go."

"Can I take you home?"

"You know I'm an Original who knows how to take care of herself, right?" I asked.

"I know. I just thought, I could take you and you... you could get off those shows in the car."

"Okay. If you insist..." I said with a smile and he smiled to me and took me to his car.

After we got in the car, I quickly took my heals off, making me moan lowly from how good it felt the simple act of taking them off. I looked at Stefan to see if he was bothered with me being without heals but he only seem to hold on to the steering wheel more tightly. Probably because he was feeling that this silence was awkward... I didn't thought was awkward but maybe for him it was.

"How was your date with April?"

"It was nice."

"I bet... She is a really nice person." I said because she was the only girl friend who I have in here.

"Yes. Although, we both agreed on staying friends."

"Why?" I asked curious.

"Because she's human."

"That didn't stop you from being with Elena." I pointed out.

"I don't have feelings for her... Yes, she might be nice and good looking but that's not enough for making me fall for a girl, you know... There needs to be more to it."

"Or maybe you're not over Elena." I said.

"I don't think that's it. From the moment she turned, I felt things changing, not just her but me and our relationship. I think we just didn't broke up sooner because we were too focus on the moments we had... when she turned I tried to focus on our past, denying that things had change." Stefan said.

"You can't blame yourself for getting a bit stuck on the past. Reliving the past seems good. It's familiar and we know what we can count on when it comes to it, while the future can be scary because of the unknown and because we can't ever be sure if it will end with us happy or in pain." I said while he parked the car.

"Thank you for this talk, Rebekah. I really needed and didn't even knew it."

"Thank you for taking me home." I said with a smile and got off the car but before I could open the front door of the mansion, I felt Stefan grabbing my arm, making me turn around to face him.

"If you want to talk or something... you have my number." Stefan said.

"Yeah... You're not going to be able to get Damon jealous with me. He is still into Elena."

"What? No! I really mean it. I know I haven't been the best person around you lately but the talk we just had reminded me of why I liked to spend time with you back in the 20s. You are more than you let people see..." Stefan said.

"Stefan, the good old times seem good because when we look back we have the nostalgia... Everything wasn't that great... And reliving the old times might just ruin our memories." I said.

"I'm not saying to relive old times... I'm saying we could try to be friends... I know you are not this shallow person you make people think." Stefan said.

"Okay... I'll think about it." I said with a smile and got inside of the mansion.

Who knew an awful date with Damon could turn around? Maybe it's the universe rewarding me for having the patience of not leaving in the middle of a date with Damon

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Who knew an awful date with Damon could turn around? Maybe it's the universe rewarding me for having the patience of not leaving in the middle of a date with Damon.

AN: Hey Everyone! I hope you're liking the story so far. Before you go, I wanted to tell you that MarissaPalm has two amazing stories, both being about Klaroline, one of them is called "the Mikaelsons" and the other is called "where it all started", that not only has Klaroline but also Stebekah, delena, konnie and kalijah. I've read the stories and they are good!
If any of you has some story, video or account that you wanna share you can tell me bc I would be more than happy in helping you.

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