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Caroline's POV

Klaus wanted to take me to his place but I refused because Rebekah would be probably there and so Elena with Elijah and once they would see me like this they would ask me a bunch of questions and I would probably break into tears again, so Klaus took me to my place.

"You can come, if you want to. My mom will be working until night..." I said and he nodded and got in the house with me.

We seat down in the couch and I quickly looked at him.

"Klaus... thank you for being there." I thanked him and he just nodded but since that happen, Klaus still haven't smirk, not even once, which made me sad because for some reason I like when he is smirking and laughing.

"Do you want me to kill Tyler? I would be more than happy to finish the job." He said with an angry voice.

"No. He doesn't deserve that."

"How about torture? I know multiple ways of torturing someone until they beg for death."

"No, Klaus! I don't want to give him importance."

"He tried to bloody kill you, Caroline! How can you be like this after what happened? After all the awful things he said to you?" Klaus asked and I just looked down. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't meant to upset you."

"It's fine." I said quietly.

"Do you... Do you still love him?"

"No..." I said and he looked at me to see if I was lying. "It's just... Tyler and I went through a lot. We even talked about running away... I thought we would be together forever and then... then I find him cheating on me with that were-slut... I should have known..."

"You had no way to know that would happen..."

"Of course I had! Why would he want to stay with me when he had that beautiful, confident and strong brunette next to him. I'm just a insecure neurotic control-freak! Why would he want to stay with me?"

"Stop it! Caroline Forbes, you are an incredible, beautiful, smart, brave and strong woman. I'm not going to stay here listening to you talk bad about yourself." Klaus said getting up.

"That's all a mask, Klaus. The girl you like, the one you think I am, it's just a mask to hide all my insecurities. You're in love with an illusion." I said and felt him seating next to me, grabbing my chin, to look at him.

"Caroline, I know all about your insecurities but I also know you're strengths. I just wish you could see yourself the way that I see you... which is perfect." He said.

I wanted to kiss him in that moment but I knew it was wrong. I couldn't do that, he is Klaus Mikaelson, the big bad wolf, I can't let myself fall for him... it would only end in heartbreak, I don't know if I can handle another one.

"Why don't you let people see this side of you?"

"Because once they see it, they use it as my weakness."

"It's not a weakness to be good." I whispered.

"People use that part of you to make you weak, they use What and who you care about to their advantage, it's their weapon."

"Maybe, but I also know that when I fall down, I stand up again thanks to the people I care about... they give me strength to keep going and fight."

"You surprise me every time with that light in you

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"You surprise me every time with that light in you... You should never leave it... It's what makes you so unique and remarkable." He said and I smiled, blushing slightly, which made him smirk.

"I missed that smile..." I whispered, making him chuckle.

"Caroline Forbes, are you making a move on me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Please! If I was you would know."

"You're right. I do remember what you told me when you were dared..."

"Okay! Let's forget about that."

"I don't believe I can, love. You can't expect a man to forget those words." He said. "You aren't as innocent as you make people think..."

"Well, you need to keep some stuff to yourself or it's not as fun..." I whispered with a sexy smile.

What the hell am I doing? I can't be flirting with Klaus! Snap out of it, Caroline!

"I think I'm going to get some snacks. Do you want something, like water, wine, beer, blood?" I said getting up.

"I'm good, love." He said.


We were now watching a movie that was on tv but I couldn't exactly focus completely on the movie because Klaus had his arm wrapped around me with his hand on my hip.

"Did you know about Elena and Elijah?" I asked so I would stop thinking abut Klaus's hand on my hip.

"He finally got together with the doppelgänger?"

"Can't you call her Elena? She's my friend! I don't like when you talk about her like that."

"I'm sorry, love." He apologized. "But I guess it's better than when he was with Katherine."

"I honestly can't even picture him with Katherine. It's such a weird combo." I admitted and he chucked.

"Well, Like Kol says, Elijah has a very specific type."

"And it's not weird for you? To see him with someone who is just like... Tatia."

"No." Klaus said. "I honestly don't see how he can fall for women who look exactly alike."

"So... you never fall for any doppelgänger after Tatia?"

"No. I mean, they can be attractive but..."

"Oh... so you find Elena attractive?" I asked and for some reason I was completely jealous.

Why was I so upset? It's not like I'm not used to have guys preferring Elena over me...

"Yes. But I wouldn't be able to have a relationship with her..."

"Because she's too good for you?"

"Because she's too good for you?"

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"No. Because the only thing I see in her is a pretty face... that's why I like you. You're so much more than a pretty face." He whispered and kissed my cheek. "And you are way more beautiful than her."

"You really think so?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course. I don't even have to think twice to know that." He said, making me blush.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. I know these chapters have been focus on Klaroline but don't worry because next chapter it will also have a bit of Stebekah and Kennett😉

Before you leave, I would like to tell you the suckmyhoe has a video on her insta, that's an edit of Caroline, here's the link:
If you can't access the link, please pm me and I will quickly send you the link.

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