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No One's POV

After the sleepover the girls agreed on going out just the girls but Niklaus didn't care much about that idea, not only because he was an overprotective brother but also because he didn't want to even think about Caroline dancing with some guy, so Niklaus made Elijah and Kol tag along Rebekah, Kol didn't needed much convincing because he loved to go to bars, Elijah was the one who needed some convincing but ended up agreeing going to a bar, which for him was just a small place crowded with too many people and loud music. Once Rebekah warned the girls that her brothers were tagging along, Caroline invited Stefan.

"Stefan, can we go get a drink? I really need to forget about my overprotective brothers who don't realize that I can take care of myself." Rebekah said.

"A drink sounds good." Stefan said and quickly Rebekah grabbed his hand and took him to the bar.

"I expected this from Klaus, but not from you, Elijah. Rebekah deserves to be able to have some fun and girl time. You should trust her more." Elena said.

"I trust my sister. Niklaus was the one who was concerned and convinced me in coming here." Elijah defended himself, not wanting to disappoint Elena.

"Yeah right... and you can't say no?" Elena asked.

 and you can't say no?" Elena asked

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"Doppelgänger, calm down. It's our sister. We deserve to be concerned. Besides, you were the one who daggered her last time, weren't you?" Klaus asked with a smirk.

"I shouldn't have done that and I already apologize for that." Elena said.

"Can you not call her doppelgänger? She has a name." Elijah quickly said and Elena smiled to him as a thank you.

"Wow! One date and she already has you brainwash?" Kol asked with a smirk.

"Kol can't you keep your commentaries to yourself?" Bonnie asked.

"I would be very selfish if I did that..." Kol said and Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"How about you get me a drink?" Bonnie asked.

"For real?" Kol asked with a smirk.

"Anything to avoid more argues." Bonnie said and quickly Kol took her to the bar.

"I think I'm going to dance." Caroline said and quickly Klaus followed her but after she took a few steps in the middle of the crowd, she saw something that made her smile quickly fade away.

Klaus noticed Caroline's sudden change of humor, then look at where Caroline was looking and saw Tyler and Hayley dancing, smiling and kissing. Klaus still couldn't believe that Tyler cheat on Caroline. He couldn't understand how someone could ever cheat on her...

 He couldn't understand how someone could ever cheat on her

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"I think I might get something to drink first." Caroline said and walked over to the bar, asking for some shots.

"Love, if you want I can take you home. I'm sure everyone will understand. You don't need to face him with her..." Klaus said.

"What?! Me going home and avoid him? He was the one who cheated. He should be the one avoiding me. I'm not going to give him the pleasure of seeing me sad over him. He doesn't deserve that."

"I couldn't agree with you more, love." Klaus said with a smirk. "You're an incredible woman who has a lot to give... no man should make you feel like this. You deserve to be happy..."

"I'm glad you agree with me. Now let's dance!" Caroline said and took him to the middle of the crowd where she had view of Hayley and Tyler dancing, she tried to ignore them and dance with Klaus, when she felt Tyler's eyes on her, she tried to be very friendly with Klaus, to give Tyler a lesson.

Klaus noticed what Caroline was doing but he also was aware that wasn't everyday that he could be this close to Caroline so for tonight he ignored that she was using him.

After awhile, Caroline started to not care about Tyler or Hayley or whoever could be watching them for that matter, she was simply having fun and enjoying being so close to Klaus. Suddenly she felt Klaus's lips on her neck.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"It will piss him off seeing me so close to you..." Klaus whispered, using Tyler as an excuse.

"Piss who?" Caroline wondered for a second, making Klaus realize that she was no longer dancing with him because of Tyler.

Just like that, Klaus smirked even more and he started to dance with Caroline, enjoying this night which he knew that wasn't going to repeat that quickly nor as often.

While Klaus and Caroline were dancing, Elijah and Elena went to a booth where they could drink and talk.

"Thank you for defending me. You didn't had to." Elena said shyly.

"You don't have to thank me

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"You don't have to thank me. I apologize in my brothers half. He tends to forget that you are a person and not a mere copy nor an object he wanted to use for his hybrids." Elijah said, then he drank in one gulp all the alcohol that was in his cup and finally confess something to Elena. "This morning, you let the bathroom door slightly open and I looked at you while you were getting out of the shower. I'm very sorry and shameful for it. I understand if you do not wish to talk to me again. I just needed to be honest with you."

"Well, now that we are being honest... I kinda knew you were watching." Elena said.

"You did? Why didn't you yell at me or do something?"

"Because... I don't know... you have been very nice to me and... Something told me you weren't doing with second intentions. Besides, I should have closed the door." Elena said.

"And you aren't upset?"

"No." Elena said with a smile because when she felt Elijah's eyes on her this morning, she felt special and beautiful... She actually enjoyed having Elijah looking at her, but she wasn't going to admit that.

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