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Rebekah's POV

I was now at my place, in my bedroom with Stefan and the door closed so no one could hear our conversation because I was telling him how I am noticing Tyler trying to get closer to Caroline and I'm afraid that will sparkle the old feelings Caroline had for Tyler.

"Bekah, you don't need to worry. It's Caroline and she's really happy with Klaus. I might only known her for 4 years but I never seen her this happy. Care is very insecure but your brother somehow can make her forget about her insecurities, she can be overprotective or jealous and that usually upset or annoyed guys she dated but with Klaus is different, not only because he understands and likes that she is vulnerable about him but also because he never seems to get annoyed or bored with her, he enjoys her good side but also her insecure side and even her judgy side. I think what's amazing about them is that they are a couple that was a bit unexpected, not only because he was the bad guy and she the good girl but also because they can be so different but then also very similar if you look up close. When Care was with Tyler she was happy but not entirely. She come to me complaining many times how she felt like she barely talked with Tyler about their stuff and with Klaus that's different. He likes to have her talk to him and he really listens to what she has to say."

"You're right. I'm just overreacting. It's just... I never seem Nik so happy and in love. If something happened and they would break up, I don't know what would happen. I think Nik would go mad." I said.

"I really admire how much you care for your brother's happiness after everything he did to you." Stefan whispered, with his thumb caressing my cheek.

"Stefan..." I tried to stop whatever this was turning out to be.

"I know we aren't dating but... would you like to go to prom with me?" Stefan whispered, looking into my eyes.

"Yes..." I whispered with a smile, making him smile.

I needed to change subject because I felt that if I didn't, there would be a possibility of us kissing.

"Did Damon and Katherine learn the lesson?" I asked getting up from the bed that we were seating.

"I think so... Let's see how long that will last." Stefan said. "Thank you for your idea. If it wasn't for you, I would probably be still listening to them doing it."

"But their relationship is only about sex?"

"No. I mean, most of the time they are together but I think they are most of the time doing it because she doesn't live in Mystic Falls and I think Damon doesn't want her to move back because of the all Elijah thing." Stefan said.

"I'm surprised they didn't start to drain people together."

"I'm pretty sure he won't do that in here because he cares about Liz Forbes. They have this weird strong friendship." Stefan said. "He probably doesn't want to get Liz in trouble."


Stefan and I spent a few hours talking and then it started to get dark so Stefan decided to go home but ask me to sneak in during the night because he told Damon he had a new girlfriend he still didn't want to go public and this why Damon would believe Stefans story. I mean, it's better than confessing that we faked to be having sex only to stop Damon and Katherine.

It was now late so I sneak into the Boarding House and quietly went to Stefan's room, closing the door.

"Hey!" I whispered, making him lift his head from the pillow to see me and he smiled to me.

"Hey! Get in here!" Stefan whispered and made me lay down under the sheets, next to him.

Stefan was shirtless and I had to try my best to not look at his body nor muscles. It was harder than I expected and as he pulled me closer to him, I rest my head on his chest with a hand also on his chest, slowly I moved her down, letting myself feel his 6 pack. I quickly realized what I was doing so I took my hand from him but he grabbed my wrist and made me rest my hand again on his 6 pack.

I lift my head to see him and when I was about to say something we heard Katherine and Damon hooking up in the hallway.

"They ruin everything..." Stefan mumbled, probably thinking I wouldn't hear him and then he opened the door a bit and yelled. "Get a room!"

"It's my house too! I can do whatever I want in whatever part of the house I prefer!" Damon groaned.

"I love when you take command like that." Katherine said.

" Katherine said

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"Come back to bed!" I said with a different voice so they wouldn't know it was me, then he closed the door in hopes Katherine and Damon would get to a place with sound proof and got in bed.

"Thank you for doing this." Stefan said with a smile and then we cuddled.

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