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Klaus's POV

I woke up next to the woman of my dreams, Caroline Forbes...

It still baffles me how Tyler was able to betray her like that. It's true that I hated seeing Caroline with that mutt but she was happy, then when he cheated on her, all I wanted was to torture him to make sure he would pay for hurting Caroline. A woman like her only deserves happiness and love...

Caroline is such an amazing woman. She might be beautiful but then there's so much more about her than that. I still can't see why she sometimes is so insecure about herself... Probably because she was never with a man who saw the amazing woman she is and didn't treat her as he should. I wish I could make her see how breathtaking she is, and I'm not talking only about her beauty... I wish I could make her see that she deserves the whole universe...

I could hear Liz Forbes still sleeping so I decided to speed to a place that had take away so I wouldn't make noise and could give Caroline and incredible start of the day... because my Queen deserves everything.

Once I got back, I put the food on her desk and lay down on the bed, giving her pecks on the forehead and cheek so I could wake her up.

"Hmmmm!" She sounded with a smile.

"Good morning, my love." I whispered and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Good morning, my big softy cuddly bear."

"Can we find another nickname?" I asked because I wasn't used to be called... that, in fact no one ever thought that of me and it was odd that someone now saw me like that.

 that, in fact no one ever thought that of me and it was odd that someone now saw me like that

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"Shut up! You're ruining the moment." She said with her bossy voice, making me smirk and then I kissed her once again.

"Love, I'm loving what we are doing but I brought you some food and blood bags from the hospital." I said and she looked at the desk and smiled.

"This amazing! Thank you!" She said with a big smile and hugged me, then ran to the food and after taken a bite she moaned. "Oh my God! This is sooooo goooood..."

"Should I start to be jealous of this food? Because I think I am..." I said, making her look at me with a smile.

"You were the one who brought it here. And I really like you for that."

"Definitely jealous." I said and she giggled.

"If it makes you feel better... your blood... it's the most delicious thing ever..." she whispered, making me smirk.

"You know I am always happy to be your victim." I whispered as I kissed her neck.

"Nik..." she moaned, once I got to her sweet spot.

Elijah's POV

I woke up with Elena screaming my name, once I opened my eyes, she was crying on my chest.

"What happened?" I asked, making her look up.

"I don't know. You were having a nightmare and I couldn't wake you up. I was so worried..." she whispered and quickly hug me, as I had flashbacks of my dream, which was when I killed Tatia, a memory that I tried to lock it for a long long time.

What if I do this again? What if I hurt Elena?

"What happened? What was your dream about? You can talk to me." Elena whispered.

"It was nothing..." I lied.

"You're lying. It doesn't take a genius to know that this nightmare was something." Elena said.

"Alright. It was a memory of a time, when I was still trying to control my urges... and I killed someone I knew..." I said because it wasn't a complete lie.

I know Elena and I promise to be honest with each other but I fear that if she finds out that I killed Tatia, she will leave me... How would I be able to deal with that? Elena has been so important to me and made me feel things I never expected to feel, nor do things that I ever thought I'm doing.

"I'm so sorry, Elijah. But you can't let that guilt take over you. Like you told me before, we all take time to control ourselves and sometimes after years we still can't completely control it." Elena said in a calming tone.

"I sometimes worry that it will happen again... that I will lose control and hurt someone innocent... and maybe even someone I care about." I confessed.

"That won't happen. Just like I have you, you have me... and we can help each other to keep in control." She said and I looked at her in disbelief.

How could this woman be real? And how was it possible that she was with me from all the men she could have?

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How could this woman be real? And how was it possible that she was with me from all the men she could have?

"What?" She asked.

"I love you, Elena Gilbert." I whispered.

"I love you too, Elijah Mikaelson." She whispered and kissed me.

The kiss went from soft and caring to passionate and I started to feel her lips leaving mine and she starting to kiss my neck. I could only focus on my desires and nothing else so I did something that I didn't even expected... I bite her shoulder.

"Elijah..." she moaned as I felt the desire growing stronger.

"I fear soon I won't be able to stop..." I whispered and she kissed me.

"I don't want you to stop..." she whispered, kissing me again passionately and then letting me bite her neck.

As I drank her magnificent blood that had the best taste I ever experience, I felt her grabbing my wrist and quickly I felt her drinking from me. It felt... there was no words that could describe how amazing, delicious and intimate that felt...

"Elena..." I groaned in pleasure.

"Elijah..." she moaned as she stop drinking. "I never felt like this before... and I don't want to stop..."

And quickly we went from kissing and drinking from each other to make love and please each other. This time felt even more intense than ever.

"Was the wait worth it?" She asked quietly, referring to the blood sharing.

"It was better than I could ever imagine..." I whispered, then I felt the need to ask. "Do you think I was worthy of... your blood?"

"Are you kidding? Of course you were and are. I just wish I wouldn't have done this before. I wish this was something I would only had done with you."

"I also wish I would never shared my blood with someone besides you. I should have waited..." I said and she kissed me softly.

"But that's in the past. We can't do anything about it. Now, all we can do is choosing who we will do this with in the future." She whispered and I kissed her.

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