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No One's POV

It was Sunday afternoon and Elena wanted to hang out with Elijah, her boyfriend, but also wanted to spend time with her friends so she had the idea of going to an ice rink to ice skate. Elijah wasn't very found of that idea but after Elena asking him nicely and a bit of convincing him by being a bit stubborn, which she learned from Caroline, Elijah agreed and quickly invited his siblings, while Elena invited Caroline, Bonnie and Stefan.

 Elijah wasn't very found of that idea but after Elena asking him nicely and a bit of convincing him by being a bit stubborn, which she learned from Caroline, Elijah agreed and quickly invited his siblings, while Elena invited Caroline, Bonnie and...

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Because of Elena's excitement, she, Bonnie, Caroline and Stefan got there earlier and decided to start to ice skating.

Once the Mikaelsons arrived, Elena noticed Elijah and ran to his arms to kiss him, Rebekah quickly went to the rink, Kol saw Bonnie eating some fries so he walked over to her, stealing a few fries so she would notice him, while Klaus just looked perplexed at Caroline who was now doing a sit spin and then got up and did another spin with just one leg.

Is there anything this woman can't do?, Klaus thought to himself.

He got on the rink while Caroline finished her spin and then she skated to his direction.

"Come on! Let's see what the Original Hybrid can do." Caroline said with a smile, making him smirk.


Elijah hesitantly got in the ice rink and tried to start skating, not sure how it would be because this was something he never did.

"I think I can do this..." he whispered to himself but quickly lost his balance, making Elena grab his arm.

"Why didn't you told me you didn't know how to ice skate?" Elena asked.

"Because you were very excited about this and... I didn't want to be the cause of you not doing something you wish to do." Elijah admitted.

"That's so sweet..." Elena said with a smile and kissed Elijah softly. "Just a question. How did you never learned how to ice staking? I figured you knew basically everything that there is to know since you lived for so long."

"I never found any used to this activity so I never thought in learning. I don't know if you have been noticing but since we are together I'm starting to do many things I wasn't used to."

"I know. And I appreciate how you get out of your comfort zone for me."

"I would do anything for you, Milady." He said making Elena smile.

"I would do anything for you too, My Lord

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"I would do anything for you too, My Lord." Elena said and they kissed again. "And... just like you taught me how to hunt, I will taught you how to ice skate."

Slowly Elena let herself skate facing Elijah, with her holding his hands and let him stake a bit of at least let the ice move him a bit.

"Okay... now you need to start use your feet. It's easy." Elena said, getting by his side and showing him how to move his feet, while holding his hand.


Kol took Bonnie to the ice rink to ice skating with her and quickly laughed at the image of Elijah learning how to ice skating.

"I need to record this." Kol said and started to record Elijah trying not to fall, making Bonnie roll her eyes and then look at the happy couple.

"If a month ago someone told me Elena and Elijah would be dating, I wouldn't believe it." Bonnie said.

"You know... sometimes two people who nobody thought it would make a good combination, can be the perfect combination. They can complete each other." Kol said looking at Bonnie, thinking about how it would be them dating.

"You're no longer talking about Elijah and Elena, are you?"

"Was I that obvious?"

"A bit. Specially because Elijah and Elena aren't that different. And I agree about those two people being a good couple if they gave it a try." Bonnie said.

"You do?" Kol asked surprised.

"Yeah..." Bonnie said with a smile and then pointed at Caroline and Klaus who were now laughing in a bench. "They look cute together."

"Yeah... adorable." Kol said angry at himself for Bonnie not seeing the good couple would be the two of them, but he opted to change the subject and have some fun with Bonnie. "How about a race?"

"You're on!" Bonnie said and they both started to is skate.


Stefan and Rebekah were ice skating while talking about themselves.

"Do you really know how to ice dance?" Stefan asked.


"If that's so. Prove it." Stefan said with a smile.

Rebekah gave a spin and then took Stefan's hand, starting to show him how she was able to dance. Stefan quickly stopped caring about Rebekah proving how much she could ice dance and started to just enjoy dancing with Rebekah, spinning her around and then pulling her to him.

"I forgot how good it was to dance with you..." Stefan whispered, making Rebekah blush.

AN: Hey guys! I gotta admit, that I loved how some of you thought they would go to someplace outside Mystic Falls, maybe my hint wasn't that good. Either way, I hope you were surprised and that you liked this chapter and how it had a bit of every couple.

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