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Caroline's POV

I woke up from a dream I had with Klaus, we were talking and laughing and then we kissed.

It felt so real and so good

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It felt so real and so good... What the hell am I saying? I can't have those kinds of feelings for Klaus. It's Klaus, the big bad wolf. He tried to kill my friends many times. But then he is so sweet to me... It's like he is two different people: one where he only cares about his hybrids and hurts whoever comes in his way and then there's other where he is sweet and caring...

I took a nice shower to fresh my head and to relax a bit. I mean, it was just a dream. It didn't meant anything... right?

After I took my shower and pick my outfit, I grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen to eat some cereals. When I was preparing the cereals, my phone buzzed, it was a text from Klaus.

'Good morning, Love! I wanted to thank you for the amazing company you were on our date, even if you were against you will. Sincerely, Klaus.'

Should I answer? Maybe not! But he just saw that the text was read and it's bad not replying... I guess one text won't do much damage.

'Good morning, Klaus! It was the least I could do for the money you spend in helping my high school. Your company wasn't completely awful.😉'

I don't know why but I found myself smiling while sending the text.

'I'm glad you enjoyed our date. Like I told you last night, a date with you is worth way more than what I gave to your high school. Maybe we could repeat one of these days.'

Is he serious? No. I can't go on a date with him... He is the enemy... and I just broke up with Tyler.

'I don't think that would be a great idea, Klaus. I'm sorry.'

I hope he won't get mad... Why don't I want him mad at me? Why do I care what he thinks or how he feels when he reads this text?

'It's fine, Love. I know you're still not ready. But maybe one day, in a year or even in a century you'll be ready and I'll be more than happy to take you on a date.'

Why does he have to be so nice and sweet about this? Why can't he be like the guys I've been with and just be a jerk? It would be so much easier if he would be the monster most people sees him as...

Elena's POV

I was going to met Alaric to breakfast at the Grill when I got a text from Elijah.

'Dear Elena, I hope you're having a magnificent morning and will have a magnificent day as well. I just wished to thank you for the dinner you made and for your wonderful company. I enjoyed spending part of evening with you and getting to know more about you. With much appreciation, Elijah Mikaelson.'

I couldn't help but laugh at the text. Even after a date he still keeps being very formal. It's very amusing...

'Good morning, Elijah! I'm having a good morning so far. I hope you're morning is also going well. There's no need to thank me for the dinner, it was the least I could do, you not only saved me from an uncomfortable date but you also helped my high school. I also enjoyed getting to know you and being in your company. It was a great evening. Oh, and btw you don't have to sign your message at the end, I have your number, meaning I know it's from you.'

I smiled as I send the text and then I entered in the Grill where there was Alaric waiting for me.

"Good morning, Ric."

"Good morning, Elena." He said and we hugged, them we ordered some waffles.

'Dear Elena, I'm pleased to know you also had a nice evening. What does mean btw? Elijah Mikaelson.'

He is still assigning the text?

'Btw= by the way'

I send it and then I put my phone back in my pocket and look at Alaric who is looking at me confused.


"Nothing. You just seem very smiley..." he said.

"Would you prefer me grumpy?" I asked.

"No, no... it's just... I haven't seen you smiling like that in awhile." Alaric said.

"Well, I'm having a nice morning." I said with a smile.

"How was your date with Elijah?" Alaric asked.

"It was nice."


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"Yes. We talked and we ate and that was pretty much it."

"Well, I'm just glad you didn't end up with Klaus. But either way, I would prefer you to stay away from that family."

"Elijah isn't that bad..." I defended him without even thinking it, it was like a reflex.

"Elijah might seem the noble one but he also did a lot of awful things. He ripped two vampires hearts in a second. He is not as good as he looks." Alaric said. "Promise me you'll be careful."

"Of course." I said with a smile.

Bonnie's POV

I woke up with my phone buzzing, and of course it had to be from Kol freakin Mikaelson.

'Good morning, my beautiful witch! I just wanted to thank you for giving me one opportunity to show you I'm more than a vampire. And I am not always biting, but of course if you want a bite you can always ask😏'

'Good morning just if it's for you Kol, I was sleeping. But you're welcome for the date. And I can't believe you are already hitting on me. You have a problem.'

'In did I do. My problem is not being able to take you from my head. And my dreams... where we have a lot of fun, if you want we can reenact them😏'


'You seemed to like it😏'

I rolled my eyes at the text and reunite my courage to get out of bed and start my day... even if my bed was very comfortable and warm.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're having a great day! What did you thought about the texts between Klaroline, Elejah and Kennett?

If you guys like Carenzo or Klena, you should check out this story of writers_pen987 called Somebody to Die For.

If any of you has stories/videos/accounts you would like to share, I would love to help you out.

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