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Caroline's POV

I was at my place with Rebekah, Bonnie and Elena so I had their help in picking the outfit and how to style my hair.

"I just have one question..." Bonnie said, making me look at her. "If you don't think this is a date, then why are you so nervous?"

"Ner-Nervous? Pfff! I'm not nervous! Who's nervous? There's no need to be nervous." I quickly said, making the girls give me a look. "Fine. I'm nervous. I am preparing myself for all the kinda of scenarios that might happen..."


"And the best case scenario is that I decide to get together with Klaus and we will be happy, the medium scenario is that I say no and he won't talk to me ever again and the worst case scenario is that I say yes but then when he gets done of me he breaks my heart, starts to date Elena and kill me so I won't get in the way."

"You know I'm with Elijah, right?" Elena asked.

"Oh please... between Elijah and Klaus, the one to pick It's Klaus. There's no doubts about that."

"Maybe for you. I can't see myself dating Klaus..." Elena said.

"What? You think you are better than him or something? You know, Klaus could make you very happy if he wanted to!"

"Care, you're defending Klaus..." Bonnie said.

"You can't even hear someone talking bad about him. Don't you see that you are just torturing yourself by not being with him?" Rebekah asked.

"It will be a torture being with him too."

"Why?" Rebekah asked.

"Because he has everything and he is everything a girl could ask for... so why settling down with a small town girl? What if I become a disappointment to Klaus? What if he starts to get bored of me? I mean, then we would break up and I would eventually stop seeing Elena because she had to choose Klaus thanks to be dating Elijah, I would lose you, Bekah because you are his sister and I would lose Stefan because he is totally in love with you... and then Bonnie when she would finally get together with Kol."

"Kol and I are just friends..." Bonnie said.

"And that will never happen." Elena said. "I really doubt Klaus breaks up with you but if that happened we wouldn't leave you. Friends are way more important than guys. Why do you think our song to go karaoke is wannabe? Friendship never ends!" Elena said and I hugged her.

"Promise me you won't fall for Klaus and his cute dimples and beautiful eyes and kissable lips."

"I promise." Elena giggled.

"Care, I never really got how you can be so insecure. I mean, when I got here I wanted to be just like you. I was very jealous. You were the cheerleader, you were smart and beautiful and had incredible friends and a boyfriend and you even got Nik to care about you... he decided to rescue you when we were both being kidnapped. He cares a lot about you... I get that your life wasn't all rainbows but don't let that stop you from going after the person who makes you happy. I'm not going to take sides or try to convince you in getting with someone... but I do believe that guy is my brother." Rebekah said.


I ended up going with my hair down and curled, I had natural makeup on, The outfit I ended up picking was a red Sherri Hill Draped Mini Dress that had a one shoulder neckline and a large embellishment over one hip.

Once I heard the doorbell ring, I knew it was Klaus and had to take a deep breath before I would open the door.

"Hello, Caroline! You look... ravishing." He said, making me smile slightly with the compliment.

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