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No One's POV

Elena and Elijah agreed on tonight making a movie night because Elena didn't want to be the kind of girl who would forget about her friends just because it had a new boyfriend. So, now everyone was at the Mikaelson mansion, they went to a home theatre that they had in one of the many rooms of that place, Kol was next to Bonnie, Elena was between Bonnie and Elijah, on the other row there was Stefan between Rebekah and Caroline and Klaus next to Caroline.

Bonnie was eating the popcorns and drinking her soda while watching the movie, Kol was most of the time looking at Bonnie and admiring her, Elena and Elijah were holding hands and kissing each other some times, Rebekah and Stefan whispered commentaries about the movie to each other from times to times, Klaus would sometimes whisper compliments to Caroline or tell her which actors he knew, while Caroline smiled to him and asked herself why it was so wrong being with Klaus if it felt so good.

"I'm going to get more snacks." Rebekah said.

"I'll help you." Stefan said and they both went to the kitchen.

"It's just me or it almost seems that we are surrounded by couples?"

"It's not just you. I know that Elena and Elijah started to date but it feels like if Caroline is dating Klaus and that Bonnie is with Kol."

"Talking about Elijah and Elena... Aren't you bothered that they are together?" Rebekah asked.

"No." Stefan said being completely honest.

Stefan thought that it would be weird to seeing Elena with someone else because it hurt him when she got together with Damon but now he realizes that he no longer see Elena like that, he will always care about her but now it's in a friend way.

"Really? Cause I heard about your story. It was kind of epic."

"Well, a good friend once told me that unlike popular opinion, we have multiple epic loves, specially if we are vampires." Stefan said.

"I'm glad you aren't upset with Elena and Elijah being a thing... because that could kinda ruin the mood of everyone and make things awkward." Rebekah said, quickly getting an excuse.

"I'm glad that Elena is happy and I think it will give us all a good laugh, I mean today she made him wear normal clothes, I can't wait to see what more she can make him do."

"You're right. Elijah never stopped wearing a suit for anyone. I thought he had bumped with his head or forgot about who he was or something like that." Rebekah said, making Stefan laugh.

" Rebekah said, making Stefan laugh

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Bonnie felt Kol's hand brushing on hers and she felt his hand slowly making a move to hold hers which she let him, making Kol smile.

She didn't know what changed so much since the auction but ever since that day she found Kol less annoying and more funny and caring

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She didn't know what changed so much since the auction but ever since that day she found Kol less annoying and more funny and caring. Usually Kol is always making jokes but when he is alone with her, even if he flirts a bit, he always respects her and her decisions and he is always caring and sweet with her.

Bonnie rest her head in his shoulder, enjoying being so close to Kol.


Klaus has his arm wrapped around Caroline, to pull her closer to him, which made her smile a bit to herself because she enjoyed being close to Klaus and him being the one who showed that he wanted to be near her.

She has been always telling him that she was not ready for a relationship and that she would never had something with him but lately those thoughts have been seem a bit foggy and everytime she was close to Klaus, she had a battle between her feelings and her brain because she felt good around him but she also had her insecurities that were keeping her from kissing him and just be honest about her feelings.

"Thank you for what you did today and for... always being there for me..." Caroline whispered.

"Anytime, Love." He whispered and kissed her shoulder.

"I'm here for you if you ever need me..." Caroline whispered and Klaus looked to her eyes in admiration.

No one, aside from his family, ever said something like that, meaning it... no one ever seemed to truly care about him like Caroline has been lately showing him.

He leaned in to kiss her, but Caroline had still many mixed feelings and thoughts, so she leaned in and rest her forehead in his, enjoying being so close to him.

He leaned in to kiss her, but Caroline had still many mixed feelings and thoughts, so she leaned in and rest her forehead in his, enjoying being so close to him

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"One of this days, you'll be knocking on my door, and I'll be more than happy to show you what the world has to offer you. I'll make you my Queen." He whispered when she looked down and took her forehead from his.

"You'll be really waiting for me until that day comes...?"


"Even if it takes a year."

"However long it takes..." he whispered.

"A decade?"

"I would be at the door waiting for you."

"What if would take a century?"

"Still be there for you with tickets."

"A millennium?"

"Love, doesn't matter how long I'd be waiting. It would all be worth it because I would end up with you..." He whispered, making Caroline blush.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far

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AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. I know sometimes I get caught up in writing about Klaroline bc they are my favorite couple and also bc I'm more used to write about them but I'm trying to write about other couples.

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