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Elijah's POV

I took Elena to lunch, but it wasn't just at any place, it was at the beach we went after our second date, the date that I knew she was spending time with me alone because she wanted instead of being because of the auction.

"This is beautiful, Elijah." Elena said when we got to the white small table an the umbrella.

"I know it's not much. This was something a bit last minute."

"This is perfect. I don't need expensive things. Besides, there's something special about simplicity, it makes us a bit more comfortable." Elena said with her beautiful smile. "Anyway, what do we have to eat?"

"Because of the temperature, I gave myself permission to choose for us salad, fruit and some bread. And for drink we have wine and water." I said. I apologize for..."

"Elijah, there's nothing to apologize. This is amazing." Elena said making me smile to her.


After we ate the lunch, Elena made me go to the seashore to get our feet wet, because for some reason she enjoyed it.

"Elena, I would like to ask you something."

"Sounds important." She said with a smile.

"I would like to know if you... if you would accept to go to prom with me." I said, feeling nervous, which it's not very usual to me but with Elena I found myself doing things I usually refuse to do. "You don't need to accept if you don't want to. I don't want you to feel pressure or that I'm inviting myself to your prom. I know this is a special night for you and your friends and I would never do anything to ruin it and would understand if you didn't want me there."

"Of course I want you there and of course I want you to be my date to prom." Elena said with a smile and kissed me. "I only haven't ask you to prom because I thought that you would feel pressure to go and I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable... I already push you into doing so many things. I didn't want to seem bossy."

"I'm very honored to be your date for prom." I said and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you too." Elena said with a smile.

" Elena said with a smile

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Kol's POV

I was now at Bonnie's place, helping her out with her magic and waiting for her to want to make a break so I would ask her about prom.

"I think I need a break." Bonnie said.

"Of course." I said.

"Are you okay? You seem weirder than usual." Bonnie commented.

"Is Bonnie Bennett worries about me, Kol Mikaelson?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Forget I ask." She said and tried to leave the living room but I grabbed her wrist to make her stop and turn around to face me.

"Bonnie Bennett, my beautiful witch, would you like to go to prom with me?"

"Kol, we are friends and I'm not..."

"I know. And I am asking you to go as friends. I promise I won't do anything that will make you uncomfortable and if I start to do anything that you don't want me to, I will stop and respect you."

"Fine. But only as friends."

"Of course, darling. Whatever you wish."

Klaus's POV

I had an idea for how to ask Caroline to prom, it wasn't my favorite thing to do but I was going to ask her in this particular way because I know that she would like it.

I went with Caroline, her friends and my siblings to the Grill because Caroline wanted to participate in Karaoke night.

"Hello everybody! I'm Klaus Mikaelson. And I would like to dedicate this song to the most beautiful and amazing woman who ever lived, my girlfriend Caroline Forbes." I said to the mic, once I got on stage.

"He called me his girlfriend!" I heard Caroline whispered to her friends with a big smile.

Where it began, I can't begin to knowing
But then I know it's growing strong
Was in the spring
Then spring become summer
Who'd have believed you'd come along

Hands, touching hands
Reaching ou, touching me, touching you

Sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good

As I finished the song, I saw Caroline smiling and with her eyes sparkling more than usual, making me smirk.

Only Caroline to make me get on stage and sing in front of everyone...

"Caroline Forbes, would you give me the honor of having me as your date for prom?" I asked and she quickly run to stage to hug me and then kissed me passionately.

"Caroline Forbes, would you give me the honor of having me as your date for prom?" I asked and she quickly run to stage to hug me and then kissed me passionately

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Once we broke the kiss, everyone was applauding except a couple who was making out, and that couple was no one but Hayley and Tyler. I looked at Caroline to see if Tyler being with Hayley still bothered her but she barely looked at them, most of the time she was smiling to her friends.

After we went to the booth, it was Tyler's turn to sing and he sang Hungry like the wolf because that's how creative he is.

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