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No One's POV

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No One's POV

Stefan, Kol, Elijah and Klaus were now at the Salvatore Boarding house drinking some bourbon and talking about their lives.

"I'm kinda shocked you're here instead of being all over sweet Elena." Kol said to Elijah.

"Well, dear brother, I might be in a relationship with Elena but I also care for this night's where we can spend time and have some trivial conversation." Elijah said.

"She wanted to have some girls night, didn't she?" Stefan asked, knowing the answer.

"Just because Elena wishes to spend time with her friends, does not mean I don't enjoy spending time with you, gentleman." Elijah said.

"Came on, Elijah! We all see how you are around her. She even made you wear something that was not a suit." Klaus said.

"Yeah! Our dear older brother is just so in looooove." Kol said, mocking the words 'in love'.

"I believe that could be said about you too, brother. It's more than obvious that you fallen for the town witch." Elijah said.

"Her name is Bonnie."

"I think you hit a nerve, Elijah." Stefan said with a smirk.

"Whatever. At least I'm not the one who is being friend zoned all the time just like Rebekah is doing with you." Kol said, making Stefan angry and feel the need to refill his drink. "It must be very low... I mean, my sister Rebekah, the one who is always pinning after a guy... now, doesn't care to be in a relationship like she always dream of."

"Yes. Everyone knows that in the minute my sister gets a bit of attention from a man, she quickly falls for him." Klaus said.

"Shall we not talk about sister in that way when she isn't even here to defend herself?" Elijah asked.

"At least Rebekah knows what she wants and doesn't let you nor anyone stop her from believing in love and happiness." Stefan said.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Klaus asked.

"It means that you always try to get in the way of her happiness." Stefan said.

"I'm only protecting her. She doesn't know how to pick the right man. She falls for men who then turn out to only cause her pain and try to get close to me or for power or for a bloody revenge."

"Stefan, are you concerned that Rebekah is friendzoning you because she has feelings for Matt?" Kol asked.

"She has feelings for Matt?" Stefan asked.

"I don't know. But that can be it." Kol said.

"Yes. Let's not forget she invited him to the ball we had last year." Klaus said with a smirk.

"If Rebekah is in love with Matt, all I want is for her to be happy." Stefan said, but had to change the subject to not keep picturing Rebekah with Matt. "How about you, Klaus? You and Caroline seem to be closer."

"I believe we are." Klaus said with a smirk that quickly faded away. "Although, Caroline doesn't seem ready to take things to the next step."

"Probably if you keep doing all that you've been doing, you'll tire her into going out with you for real." Kol said. "I mean, poor Care, she keep being bothered by you even with her rejecting you again and again and again and..."

"We get it, Kol." Klaus said angry.

"Sorry, but were just so many no's. I don't even know how you still can keep following her around like a puppy."

"That's not true."

"Please, Klaus. Caroline can simply snap her fingers to get you to do something for her."

"I don't think we should let Niklaus get upset over his situation with Caroline. I mean, at least he is trying... and he hasn't kill anyone for some time nor did he compelled her. That's already a big improvement. We should keep supporting him."

"I don't need to compel her." Klaus said.

"Yeah, you just need someone to be in danger so she will flirt with you before asking for your help." Kol said.

"Shut off!" Klaus said.

"How about we calm ourselves. Our evening was being so pleasant..." Elijah said.

"You're right." Stefan agreed. "How's everything between you and Elena?"

"We are very happy." Elijah said before talking more about his relationship with her because he wanted to make it clear for Stefan, Elena's ex boyfriend, that there was no troubles in their relationship. "Elena is truly one of a kind."

"She's a doppelgänger..." Kol said confused with Elijah's statement.

"She might have look alikes, but she is more than her physical appearance, she's kind, brave, strong, compassionate, caring... She is good and even after losing people she cared about and her human life, which she hold on to for as much as she could, she is still a good person with a big heart. One day, we were in the woods and Elena didn't want to drink from a deer because she cared for the life of the animal. It amazes me how caring she can be..."

"Don't you think she might have been just a fan of Bambi?" Kol asked.

"It's not that, Kol. Elena simply has this compassionate side of her that..."

"We get it, you love her. Jeez, you keep talking like that and you will be just like Klaus moping after Caroline." Kol said.

"Caroline is the most incredible woman I ever encounter. She is smart, beautiful, strong, brave, caring, bossy, positive and filled with light. There's no woman like Caroline Forbes."

"You know, a few centuries ago I wanted you to have feelings... I guess I prayed too much and now you got all soft..."

"I did not got soft. And if you keep with those bloody comments I will dagger you for the next millennium." Klaus said

AN: hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. What did you thought about the guys night?
Next chapter will be about the girls night

 What did you thought about the guys night?Next chapter will be about the girls night

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