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Caroline's POV

Today is the day that I have to start to think about prom. Since I'm the head of the dance committee and also the organizing and cleaning committee, I have to think a bit ahead about prom and about the theme since the teachers don't seem to really care about these kind of things. I know I'm a vampire and that it's probably stupid I still care about these things but I do, not only because I'm in command but also because it makes me feel like my life isn't completely different since I turn.

I know usually the prom themes are usually about dreams or night or enchanted something but I wanted something a bit different from that, so it wouldn't look like simply another party. I thought about being a decade but then I quickly realized we had made a dance about the 20s so that wouldn't work.

I quickly walked over to the lockers where I saw Elena and Rebekah talking.

"Hey girls! Sorry to interrupt but I have some big news..." I said with a big smile.

"What is it?" Elena asked with a smile.

"I just got the word that the dance committee can start to think about prom!" I said with a huge smile and Rebekah smiled too.

"That's gonna be awesome! It will be my first prom." Rebekah said with her eyes sparkling.

"Elena, why aren't you happy?" I asked.

"Because Ric will be there and he still doesn't like Elijah... And I don't want to go without Elijah... Maybe I shouldn't go."

"Hell no! You are going with Mr. Suits and if Ric won't like it, then it's his problem. Elijah is your boyfriend and you have all the right to take him to prom. Besides you know how Elijah loves excuses to be in suits. Does he sleep in some pjs that also look like a suit?" I said.

"No... at least he doesn't when I sleep with him."

"Let me guess. He sleeps in his birthday suit." I said with a smirk. "You still haven't told me how big he is."

"Ew! Girls, he is my brother!" Rebekah said with a disgusted face.

"Sorry, Bekah." I said and Elena blushed.

"Anyway, I'm kinda trying to figure out a theme for the prom. So if you have one, tell me." I said with a smile.

"Just try not to yell at anyone this time." Elena said.

"It's not my fault that people make dumb mistakes and can't follow simple instructions. Sometimes they can only understand when they are being yelled at." I defended myself.

This is also why I strongly believe that if you want something do it right, you have to do it yourself.


I was now in my room, seating in my bed with my legs laying down and my feet on Klaus's lap as he massaged them. He was incredible... Not only his massages were incredible but I didn't had to ask or say anything for him to massage my feet, he can notice when I'm tired or not and he knew how to make me feel better.

"Love, I'm sure you'll figure this out. This is something you are more than capable to take care of. You are Caroline Forbes, after all." Klaus said, making me blush.

"I still haven't figured a theme. Do you have any ideas?"

"How about a decade dance? The 20s were a great time. You would love it." He said with a smirk.

"We already has a 20s dance. I want to be something different. It's the prom! It needs to have some kind of impact." I said, then looked at him. "I'm sorry if I'm being boring. I know you don't care about these human events."

"You're not being boring. I love listening to you talk about something you care so much. It shows your passionate side." He said, making me smile.

"But... if I annoy you, you tell me, right?" I said because I didn't want to be annoying and him only fake to keep listening to not hurt my feelings.

"I don't think it's possible for you to be annoying but if you happen to be, I'll warn you." He said, as I took my feet from his lap and got closer to him to kiss him.

"I love you." I found myself saying it, and quickly added. "You don't have to say it back. I know that you are not really a guy who gets in serious relationships and I get if you don't feel ready for saying it. I... Did I ruin everything?"

"I love you too." He said, making me look at him in disbelief and then I kissed him passionately. "You have no idea how long I wished to hear you say those 3 words to me."

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story

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AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story. As some of you might know, I write a bit on advance. Well, today or tomorrow I'll probably have the last chapter written. I have a question for you, once I write the last chapter, do you want me to publish all the chapters that aren't still published or would you prefer that I will update once a day like I've been doing?

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