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Bonnie's POV

I was about to make some breakfast when someone knock on the door, I walked over to it and when I opened, I saw it was no one other than Kol Mikaelson.

"Good morning, darling!"

"Good morning, Kol!" I said with a smile. "May I know what are you doing at my house at 7:30am?"

"I found a book with spells from a powerful coven back in the 1800s and I thought you might be interested in it." He said, handing me the old book.

"I can't take this. This is too valuable." I said.

"I trust you, my beautiful witch."

"Well, did you had breakfast? Because that would be the least I could do to thank you for being so helpful lately." I said without even thinking.

I guess breakfast with Kol couldn't be so bad.

"Breakfast with the most beautiful witch... how could I say no to that?" He said with a smirk, making me smile.

We went to the kitchen and I started to make the pancakes.

"So... are we ever going to talk about that amazing kiss?" He asked, making me blush.

"It was just a kiss. I was drunk."

"But you seemed to enjoy it. And to be honest, I enjoyed more than I expect... which is saying something." He said with a smirk.

"I was drunk. Besides, you told me you were okay with us being just friends."

"And I am. But I also want you to know that I like you more than a friend way." He said.

"Well, Stop."

"That's not really up to me." Kol said. "I can see that you don't hate me like you make it seem. I can feel there's something going on between us. Why can't you just admit it?"

"Because of Jeremy, Okay? I just can't be with someone else because I feel like I'm betraying him. It's not like we broke up, he died. I thought he was the love of my life and that we would going to get married... and now he is dead. And... even just thinking of being with someone else feels like I'm betraying him and his memory." I said.

The truth is that I felt attracted to Ool but I didn't let myself do anything about it, not only because he was an Original Vampire but also because of Jeremy.

"I understand, Bonnie. But you can't just stop being happy because of what happen. You deserve to be happy and find someone who could make you smile and laugh... You went through a lot... you should give yourself permission to be happy." Kol said and kissed me softly, then whispered. "I will give you your space and time... but I am not going to give up on you."

"Kol, I don't feel right having you waiting for me

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"Kol, I don't feel right having you waiting for me. I don't even know when I'll be ready to be in a relationship..." I admitted.

"I don't care how long it will take. You are worth the wait." He said and gave me a peck on my forehead, then I hugged him.

"Good morning! Oh, sorry... Did I interrupt something?" Elena said, making me push Kol away and break the hug.

"Good morning, Elena. You didn't interrupt nothing. I was making breakfast and Kol just appear to show me some spells..." I quickly said.

"Yeah... well, you don't need to worry about me. I agreed to have breakfast with Elijah and then he is taking me to school." Elena said and then we heard someone knock on the door, making Elena smile.

Elena's POV

The minute someone knock on the door, I jut knew it was Elijah making me smile. I quickly walked over to the door and open it, seeing an Elijah with casual clothes making me look at him surprised.

"Wow! What happened to you? Are you an alien taking over Elijah?" I asked. "So...?"

Elijah laughed at what I said, which made me smile even more because I loved to hear him laughing, specially if it was thanks to something I did or say.

"I remember you telling me how you were curious about me wearing something more casual so I took some clothes from Niklaus so you would be able to see how I am when I'm not wearing a suits

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"I remember you telling me how you were curious about me wearing something more casual so I took some clothes from Niklaus so you would be able to see how I am when I'm not wearing a suits."

"Well, I guess you look handsome either way." I said and quickly kissed him.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. What did you thought about the Kennett moment? What about Elejah?

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