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Elena's POV

I was now by the lockers with Bonnie, Rebekah and Caroline talking about Elijah and how amazing it feels to be with him.

"How is he in sex?" Caroline asked, making us look at her shocked. "What?! It's Elijah, Mr. Suits. It's hard to not be curious. I mean he is always so formal... is he like that in sex or..."

"He is amazing... I never felt like this before..." I said with a huge smile.

"You can't stop smiling, can you?" Rebekah asked with a smirk.

"Nope..." I said with a big smile.

"We're happy He is making you happy. You deserve this." Bonnie said.

"Talking about being happy. How's going things between you and Kol?"

"They are normal. We are friends." Bonnie said.

"I saw you two holding hands." Rebekah said.

"It was nothing." Bonnie said. "What about you and Stefan? You two seemed very entertained dancing and all that..."

"We are just friends..."

"And don't you want more than that?" I asked.

"No. I always rush things. I don't want to have my heart broken again." Rebekah said.

"I get it." Caroline said.

"Is that why you are denying so much your feelings for my brother?" Rebekah asked

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"Is that why you are denying so much your feelings for my brother?" Rebekah asked.

"I don't have any feelings for Klaus." Caroline said.

"Come on! We can all see it. You two are completely into each other. What's stopping you?" I asked.

"Just Because you're now totally in love doesn't mean the rest of us need to me. Please don't go all matchmaker on me." Caroline said.

"Elena is right. You and Klaus have this weird connection. It's clear that you like him and he likes you." Bonnie said.

"Oh please..." Caroline said while we all sat on the desks of the classroom.

"Klaus likes you, Care. A lot!" Rebekah said.

"Why don't you see what could be more between you and Klaus?" Bonnie asked.

"You know that we will support you. I mean, he did awful things but he is completely in love with you. And he might be the one who could make you happy." I said.

"Seriously?! It's Klaus who we are talking about. He would probably have his fun with me and then ditch me when got bored. Every guy did that to me, why would Now be different? Specially with the Original Hybrid, te big bad wolf, the most powerful creature in the world."

"You will never know if you don't give my brother a chance." Rebekah said.

Caroline's POV

I took my phone from my pocket and noticed that I had butt dial Klaus.

"Klaus?" I asked to see if he was there.

"Hello, Love! What gives me the pleasure of your call?"

"It was by mistake. How long were you there?" I asked.

"Not long."

"Did you heard my conversation with the girls?"

"No. Were you talking about how handsome I am?"

"Oh my God! I never met someone with such a big ego."

"Did you met my brother Kol?"

"You gotta point." I said with a smile and saw Alaric getting in the classroom. "I gotta go. Talk to you later."

"Can't wait, love

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"Can't wait, love." He said and I smiled hanging up.

"Who was that?" Rebekah asked.

"Klaus. I butt dial him."

"Did he heard...?"

"No. I don't know what I would do if he had heard our conversation. I would probably hide myself for the next 500 years."

Klaus's POV

I knew I had to lie to Caroline about me listening to her conversation with her friends.

How could she think that I would have some fun with her and then broke her heart? And how were men able to do that to Caroline? Is it possible that in this bloody town there's no one who can see how Caroline deserves the best of the best? How can they be so blind? I know I should think that at least I wouldn't have so many contestants but... I would prefer to fight a thousand men instead of having them breaking her heart. And what pains me even more is her being so insecure about her self worth... how can she not see how incredible she is?

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