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Klaus's POV

During the afternoon I amused myself with seeing my older brother Elijah, the one who is always calm, getting nervous for a dinner because it was with the doppelgänger and her father figure, Alaric. I didn't thought at first much about it but then, after Elijah left, I found myself wondering if Caroline one day will want me to have dinner with her and her mother and how things would go... Probably not well since I killed so many people and even hurt Caroline in the past. And what worried me was that the fact of Liz not liking me would affect my relationship with Caroline... I know how much Caroline loves her mother and how important it's her opinion for Caroline... Then I also started to wonder if Caroline ever talks about me to her mother or if she's keeping our relationship a secret to her.

After dinner, Caroline visit me and now we were in my room, laying down in the bed, with her in my arms.

"What's going on?" Caroline said, making me get back to reality.

"What do you mean, love?" I asked.

"You are distant. You seem to be thinking deeply about something... Do you want to talk about it?" She said.

"I was just wondering how it's going the Elijah's dinner with Elena and Alaric."

"I think your brother is old enough to know how to deal one of those dinners."

"Well, Love... It's not like these kind of dinners are something we are used to. We might had different love interests but we didn't always went to have dinner with the family." I explained.

"Elena must feel that their relationship it's really steady for her to want to make that dinner." Caroline said.

"Maybe it was because she told about Alaric and he wanted to see who was dating the person he sees like a daughter." I said, quickly thinking in using now this subject to see if Caroline talks about me to Liz.

"I don't think so... Alaric really prefers to keep his distance from your family. Besides I feel like parents want to let their kids dating for awhile until asking to have dinner with them, unless they have never met the person, that way they need to know who it is right away."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because when I told my mom about us she didn't ask right away to have dinner with you. She only heard me and was there for me and... she only wants me to be happy."

"So you do talk with your mom about me." I said with a smirk.

"Yeah! She's my mom, I tell her this stuff and... Wait. Was all this conversation just so you would figure out if I already talked about you to my mom?"

"That's one of the many things I enjoy about you, Love... So much more than a pretty face." I said with a smirk.

"Why didn't you just ask me?"

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"Why didn't you just ask me?"

"Because I had no idea how to bring up the subject and this way you didn't felt pressure to talk about me to your mother." I said and she rolled her eyes. "How did she take it? When you first told her..."

"She was surprised. But then I told her how we got here and she seemed to be okay with it. I mean she isn't thrilled with the idea of her daughter be dating the most powerful creature in the world but... She is being supportive and understanding." She said, which was a big relief for me.

"I'm glad our relationship didn't made any troubles between you and your mother. I have noticed your strong bond."

"Yeah... unfortunately it wasn't always like that. Before I turned... I was this insecure little girly human who was annoying and a total bitch who didn't notice how amazing her mother was Because was too busy feeling sorry for herself because of her parents being divorced and her mother always working."

"Love, you felt lonely. You went home to no one. It's understandable that you felt a need of fighting with your mother, even if it was just to get her attention."

"It's dumb." She said. "I was so much worse..."

"I'm sure that's not true." I quickly said.

"Nik, if you have met me when I would be human you wouldn't even notice me... or if you did, I would be just a one-night stand or a friend with benefits because I was so insecure that I quickly fall for guys who simply smiled to me because they were paying attention to me, you would have seen that and maybe what could happen would be a one night stand." She said.

"I don't know how it would go but one thing I'm sure is that I would've notice you

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"I don't know how it would go but one thing I'm sure is that I would've notice you. It would be impossible not to notice you. You're like an angel send from heaven. I would've notice you, would you be human or immortal." I said with certain and she looked at me with surprise and then she smiled and kissed me.

"I'm sorry I rejected you so many times... I was really stupid and dumb and..."

"No, love... You weren't. You were just protecting yourself." I whispered and she kissed my lips softly and caring.

"I'm so in love with you, Niklaus Mikaelson." She whispered, making me smile.

"I'm madly in love with you, Caroline Forbes." I whispered, meaning it and then I kissed her with everything I had.

AN: Hey guys! Like I think I said before, I'm not writing many chapters ahead bc I've been busy and honestly now I'm having that problem where I know what I want to happen but I'm not figuring how to get to that point so... yeah... anyway, if you have any suggestions please feel free to share (in case you want a game night or a dinner or going out to dance or something like that please tell me a few things that you want to see happening in that event)

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