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Elena's POV

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Elena's POV

I was now getting Of the bathroom with my bra and panties and with a shirt from Elijah, I saw him in the bed so I quickly jump to it to be laying down next to him.

"Elijah... can I ask you something that's kinda personal?"

"Of course. You know I don't keep secrets from you." He said, making me smile.

"When Katherine was faking to be me... I know you didn't had sex but did you... You know... blood shared?" I asked because Elijah and I never did that and I couldn't help but wonder if he did that with Katherine when he thought it was me.

"No. I never drank from her and she never drank from me."

"Okay..." I said, feeling relief and then I asked. "And... did you ever thought in sharing blood with me?"

"I have to confess that I did... more than once... a few times, to be completely honest."

"Oh... why didn't you said anything?"

"Well, I didn't want to pressure you. And I also wanted that to happen naturally. In fact I am waiting for the perfect time... to taste your blood."

"Elijah, every single time I'm with you it's the perfect time. I love you..."

"I love you too, Elena. But blood sharing it's very personal and it makes everything more intense... I love you, Elena. I didn't blood shared many times but I want to do it with you... Although, I want to be perfect."

"How many times did you shared blood? Or with how many people?"

"It was only one... before you."

"Was it Katherine?" I asked looking down because I knew they had a past together.

"No. It was a vampire I met in my first years as a vampire. I wasn't aware how time can be so long because I still couldn't quite picture living forever, making me think she was the one... But she wasn't."

"What happened? You don't need to tell me if you don't feel comfortable talking about this."

"She and I had different perspectives of how to spend eternity. She wanted to drink from humans, to turn vampires and make them a superior species by not using daylight rings and do whatever your urges asked you too. I just later found out about it... That was when I realized she wasn't the one for me." He said. "And now I found the one for me. You are the one I've been waiting for."

"How are you so sure?" I asked.

"Because no woman ever made me feel like this, Elena. No woman understood me but also made me see the world in another perspective nor was able to make me do things that I wasn't used to. No one ever made me feel truly alive... until you appeared in my life." He said and kissed me. "I know after you become a vampire you only were with Stefan and Damon. Did you ever blood shared with any of them?"

"Yes. When I was sired to Damon, he made me believe that I could only drink from the vein but I didn't want to hurt people so he told me to drink from him. He told me to not tell Stefan because I was still dating Stefan at the time, Damon said it was personal but I was without any blood in my system, I threw up all the blood bags and animal blood I tried to drink and it felt like the only option. But after that I no longer drink from him again. It was too personal and intense."

"But you two got together..."

"I know... but I still didn't felt like drinking from him. It was too personal, too intimate... I wanted to do it again with someone I loved and saw a future with." I said. "Not wanting to pressure you."

"So that means you see a future with me..." Elijah said with a smile.

"Yeah... Why? Don't you?" I asked.

"I do. There's only one thing about our future that saddens me." He said.

"What is it?"

"That I can't give you a family like you always wanted or that I can't have babies with you like you dreamed of."

"Family isn't just about blood... and yes, I dreamed of having babies but... maybe it wasn't destined to happen for me." I said. "Besides, What matters is that you always make me happy. Maybe the reason I turned was because we were destined to be together..."

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"You were born." I said and kissed him because I was simply thankful for the simple fact of him being born so I could meet him.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story... Next chapter will have Kennett and Klaroline

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