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Bonnie's POV

I have been drinking a lot since Kol and I kissed because I just had to forget about it. I had to forget how good it felt. I can't be with an Original Vampire. I'm a Bennett witch and he is the enemy... but he can be sweet and funny and he is an incredible kisser...

I went to the kitchen to get some more bourbon but someone behind me took the bottle from my hands.

"Darling, don't you think you've drank too much?"

"No!" I said and gulp, making him give me a look. "Just one more..."

"You shouldn't be drinking this much."

"But it makes you less annoying."

"Please. You know you love it." Kol said with a smirk. "And the same goes to our kiss."

"It was nothing. It was just a kiss." I sent it.

"Prove it." Kol said.

"Fine." I said and kissed him. "See? Nothing."

I quickly tried to leave but he grabbed my arm, making me look at him and then I kissed him passionately. Something inside me begged me for one more kiss. I didn't care if it was wrong or not, I just had to kiss him one more time.

 I didn't care if it was wrong or not, I just had to kiss him one more time

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"This meant nothing." I said when broke the kiss, catching my breath.

"If you say so." He said with a smirk and I quickly went back to the living room.

Klaus's POV

I was talking with Stefan, while Caroline was on my lap facing me, with her head resting on my shoulder and she draw invisible circles on my chest.

"You better not hurt Rebekah." I said to Stefan.

"You're so cute when you're being protective of your sister." Caroline said and started to plant sweet kisses on my neck.

"Don't worry, Klaus. I don't have any intentions of hurting her." Stefan said and started to talk with Bonnie who was back from the kitchen.

"You know... you make people think you are this big monster but in reality your a big soft teddy bear." Caroline said.

"I can assure you, you're the only person who ever thought that about me." I said, still processing her describing me as a teddy bear.

Caroline didn't answer and simply kept kissing my neck with her hands traveling through my curls, making me try my hardest to not groan in pleasure.

"What are you doing?" She whispered, then she looked down with a smirk. "Someone's up..."

"Love, you're making very hard..."

"So I'm seeing..." she cut me off with a smirk.

"I don't know how much longer I'll be able to resist you, Caroline." I groan when I said her name, not being able to repress my groans of pleasure any longer.

"Why are you resisting me?"

"Because you're not sober and when this happens I want you to be sober." I whispered.

I hated to do the right thing but I had to when it come to Caroline. I had to do right by her.

"You know... sober Caroline will probably never let you kiss her. She is a no fun, while drunk Caroline is very fun..." she whispered and kissed the corner of my lips.

"I think you should go get some sleep." I said and took her to a bed.

"Klaus..." she said in a sleepy voice, making me look at her. "Thank you for trusting me in being yourself instead of just the big bad wolf."

"What if I'm both?"

"You're not. You fake you don't have a care in the world but I know that you care, you care and you feel hurt and happy and you... you want the same thing I want... we just want to be loved for who we are, flaws and everything." She said and quickly after that she fall asleep.

"I love you... I wish you could see that." I whispered to a Caroline sleeping and let myself lay down and sleep cuddling with her.

" I whispered to a Caroline sleeping and let myself lay down and sleep cuddling with her

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AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. What did you thought about this chapter? What did you thought about Kennett kissing outside from the game? What did you thought about Caroline drunk calling Klaus a big soft teddy bear? Klaus said to a sleeping Caroline the L-word! We're you expecting that? Feel free to give me some feedback!

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