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Bonnie's POV

I woke up in a bed that I didn't remember getting on, I looked around and realized I was in the Salvatore Boarding house, then I looked at my side and saw Kol sleeping.

He must have been the one who took me to bed... He is so sweet... I wish things were different, if it was different it would be all much easier. Why did Jeremy had to die? Why is Kol a vampire? Why couldn't we just met in the Grill or someplace else and be two humans? Why my life has to be so complicated?

Kol was cute in his sleep and seemed very human and vulnerable... I looked at his lips, quickly remembering of the kisses we shared.

How I wish we could repeat them...

But I can't because I'm still trying to see what the hell I'm feeling and, more importantly, if I am ready to get in a relationship or not.

I know I seem to be overthinking but if I decide to get in a relationship with Kol, or anyone really, and if I'm not ready, then I will be only using them and end up hurting them... and that's not what I want.

I decided to try to stop thinking about what's wrong or right and what I should or should not do and just enjoyed being close to Kol, I kissed his cheek, then rest my head in his chest, grabbing his hand to make him wrap his arm around me.

"Good morning, my beautiful witch!" Kol suddenly said, kissing the top of my head.

"Good morning, Kol!" I whispered. "Can we stay here just for a little bit?"

"Of course, darling. Your wishes are my commands." He said, making me blush.

Stefan's POV

I woke up with Rebekah in my arms, after Kol and Bonnie left, we stayed awhile talking and she eventually fall asleep, I couldn't help myself and decided to take her to my bed and sleep in here with her.

Lately I've been felt very close to Rebekah, she seems to understand me and sometimes I find myself having deep conversations with her. She knows what's like to wish to be human, to wish to be able to have a family and to get married and grow old, she knows what's like to believe in love and end up with your heart broken. She might be the only person who actually knows how I feel most of the time.

She looked so peaceful in her sleep, and also beautiful... How could I be so awful to her before? She only wanted to feel loved and I just used her... And yet she is giving me a chance to show her I'm no longer that guy.

I kissed her cheek, making her wake up and open her beautiful eyes.

"Good morning..." I whispered and gave her another peck on the cheek.

"Good morning..." she whispered with a smile. "You know, you didn't had to take me here... I could have stayed in the couch."

"No way. You would be uncomfortable and..."

"Look who's here... Barbie Klaus." Damon said, appearing in my room.

"What do you want, Damon?" I asked in no mood to listen to my brother.

"I was just coming to greet our guest." Damon said. "So... I guess someone didn't had lucky last night."

"Damon, leave us alone." I said.

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