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Rebekah's POV

Stefan and I were in his bedroom drinking and talking about our lives and problems.

"Why can't I ever find a person who I can be happy with? Why does have to always come and ruin it? It was with Valerie, with Katherine, with Elena... even with you."

"With me it's always hard to make things work. Guys are with me usually just to get to Klaus and when that's not happening, my brother gets overprotective and doesn't let me be with the person I love."

"Why do you let him get in the middle of your Love?"

"Because... I made the promise of always and Forever and I can't just take that back. And it's not about not being able to go back in time and take that promise back, it's also because I don't want to. I know Klaus can be horrible but he is my brother... and I love him. I just wished he would let me find someone to love instead of just laughing at the girl who loves too easily." I said with my eyes watery.

"Don't let him think of that as a weakness. I admire how you still believe in Love after so many years and so much suffering you went through... you are a dreamer and an incurable romantic, even if you don't like to admit." Stefan said.

"I'm not that bad."

"I'm not saying you're bad." Stefan said, making me smile.

"Thank you for being so nice to me." I said with a smile.

"Of course. I just wish I could take back the things I did that make you suffer."

"Why did you suddenly became so nice to me?" I quickly asked, suspicious.

"Why did you suddenly became so nice to me?" I quickly asked, suspicious

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"Because I've realized how much of a fool I've been. When I saw you getting out from here after your date with Damon, I felt that I had to take you home since you were able to tolerate my brother for an entire date, but then we got to talking and you made me see how you are a great person to talk with and how this bitchy side of you is just your way to look strong."

"Are you saying I'm weak?" I asked upset.

"No, I'm saying you're vulnerable and you just hide that."

"Well, I don't like people seeing me like that."

"That's how I'm seeing you... and I think it makes you truly beautiful." Stefan whispered, making me blush.

Kol's POV

Bonnie quickly got drunk, since she's human, so I took her home, covering her mouth to stop her from making any noise and when I took her to her bedroom, I closed the door because I knew it was spelled.

"Alright, darling. I believe we had too much fun for one night."


"Please tell me that nickname won't stick." I said and she giggled.

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you. I just... it's hard for me to trust a vampire. I know most my friends are but... it's just difficult to explain... and besides that, you are the womanizer Original, you're known to get in the good side of witches and then leave them."

"I would never do something like that to you, Bonnie."

"I don't know why but something tells me to believe in you... I just... I can't be with a guy like nothing happened... The person I thought was the love of my life and I would marry died and... I can't..."

"I understand. I'm never going to push you into doing something. I just am trying to make you see that I'm not all bad... I care about you, Bonnie Bennett."

"So... can we be friends?" She asked.

There was that word, the f-bomb, It never hurt me so much hearing that word...

"Of course, darling." I said and gave her a peck on her forehead.

At least I could be part of her life, it was better than nothing...

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