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Elena's POV

It was a long night and filled with many emotions because the dinner I wanted to make o badly, ended up only creating more tension.

It was a long night and filled with many emotions because the dinner I wanted to make o badly, ended up only creating more tension

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Elijah took me to Bonnie's house, since now I was living in there and he finally park the car.

I trust Elijah but since we left Alaric's apartment, one thing I seem not able to stop thinking about is the part of the dinner where Alaric indirectly accused Elijah of hiding something from me about his past.

"Elena, I'm truly sorry about what happened at dinner. I know how important this was for you... Even if Mr. Saltzman and I have some complications in communicating with each other, I promise I'll try my best to not let things end up like they did tonight." Elijah said but I didn't said anything because all I could think about was that maybe Elijah doesn't trust me enough to talk to me about his past. "Elena?"

"Elijah... I appreciate you trying to not let this repeat itself but... I gotta ask you something and I need you to be honest with me." I said and he nodded. "Why Alaric was insinuating that there were things from your past that you were hiding from me?"

"Elena, I lived for a long time... It's normal that I still haven't told you everything. But what we have more is time to talk about our pasts." Elijah said.

"I know. But this seemed something specific." I said and sigh. "Elijah, what are you not telling me?" I asked and he simply looked down. "Elijah, please... You can tell me."

"I fear that if I confess what I did, you will want to end our relationship. I am not a person who gets attached to people but you change that..." Elijah said.

"Elijah, if you keep things, important things, from me you will lose me too. Even the strongest relationships can be broken with secrets." I said.

"Alright. I'll tell you what happened." Elijah said and I nodded so he could continue and also he could see I appreciate the decision he made. "Do you remember that nightmare I had? That was more like a memory than a dream?"

"Yes. It really affected you. You told me it was memories of the time you still hadn't learn how to fully control yourself and that you ended up hurting someone you saw grow up with you." I said as I recalled our conversation after his nightmare.

"Yes. That was all true, Elena. I just happened to not tell you the full story."

"Which is...?"

"The one I killed wasn't a mere acquaintance. It was a woman from my village. She was a mother but her husband had passed away when she was carrying the child. She was loved by everyone and she didn't let the fact of being alone to raise a child keep her from living life and having fun. We turned years after she had given birth... A few days after we turned, I found Niklaus in the forest, surrounded by dead bodies and filled with blood, afraid that we would only see him as a monster and nothing else... because we had found out he was not Mikael's son... While I tried to calm and reassure Niklaus, this woman I told you about appeared, she quickly looked at Niklaus with terror and ran away, I went after her to ask her to keep this a secret but then I felt the bloodlust getting louder than my reasoning and... I ended up drinking from her until there was no more blood in her left."

"Who was she? You said she wasn't only an acquaintance... Who was she?" I asked because I wanted to know everything.

"It was Tatia... my first love." Elijah whispered, looking down.

"This is also why I tried to fight the urge of blood sharing with you for so long

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"This is also why I tried to fight the urge of blood sharing with you for so long... I feared the story repeated itself and I would drain you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that would happen." Elijah said, making me look at him. "I understand if you decide to end our relationship. If you fear me and no longer want to be with me or even see me, you can say it and I quickly leave this place and if you want I can also make you forget everything that happened between us."

"Elijah, I don't fear you. I'm a bit shocked and taken aback with all this new information, but this happened a long time ago, when you were still learning what was like to live as a vampire. We all did unforgivable things, specially right after we turned into vampires... in my first few days I found myself trying to drink from Jeremy and also from April Young... You can't let that guilt consume you like this." I said and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for being honest all telling me what really happened. I know it was very hard to talk about it."

"Are you sure you don't want me to leave?" Elijah asked.

"No. I love you, Elijah. I want you by my side." I said and kissed him.

"I love you so much, Elena Gilbert. I don't deserve you." He whispered.

"Let's agree to disagree on that one." I whispered with a smile.

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