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Elijah's POV

It's been almost a week since I got that letter from Katerina and since then I've been having intimate dreams about her, sometimes were memories of when we were together and other times was me picturing being with her for one last time. I don't know why this is happening... I know I want to be with Elena, so why am I having these dreams? The worst is that I feel I can't tell anyone about this...

I was now reading a book about dreams when I got a text and it was from Katerina saying that she would be always there for me, I texted her back asking her to leave me alone but then she kept texting me and we got to talking about her living now in someplace outside Mystic Falls but she kept telling me how she would go back here if I asked her.

I felt this was all a facade to let my guard down so I went to the place she said she was living and I found her talking with a woman, they were both talking and laughing.

I guess Katerina is finally trying to have a new life without hurting others. I'm happy she found her way.

I was about to leave when I felt someone grabbing my wrist, making me turn to see Katerina.

"Elijah... what are you doing here? Don't tell me you decided to pay me a visit."

"To be completely honest, I wanted to make sure you weren't lying to me... again."

"I deserve that. Do you want to see my place. It's small but at least now I have my own place." She said with a smile.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, Elijah! I want to show you I'm changed... for the better." Katerina said so I accepted her invitation and followed her to her place.

It was a normal house, it had the kitchen and living room connected and had a bathroom and a bedroom.

"You seem to have found your way. I'm glad..."

"I guess I just had to leave Mystic Falls and focus on myself. It's weird not being in the run anymore... I finally can make friends and have a normal life... well, as normal as a vampire can get." She said, seating on the couch and making a gesture so I would seat next to her.

"Thank you for leaving Mystic Falls and for letting me be with Elena." I said, as I seat next to her.

"I still believe there's something between us... but I can't force you into seeing that." She said. "I mean... those kisses we shared, those moments when we were more intimate I was being myself and... and I loved when we were like that... You also seemed to enjoyed it."

"I thought you were Elena."

"But I wasn't

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"But I wasn't. That didn't stop you from liking when I touched you, when I kissed you... when we were just enjoying each other's company with no one to bother us. Those Times was when I was being myself..." she said and leaned in to kiss me so leaned back, ending with me laying down on the couch with her on top of me. "Can you honestly tell me you didn't felt anything when we were like this? Or when I'm close to you... like this?"

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